Please Help!


New Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Tank size:58 litre
tank temp:79F/26c
I noticed one of my fish has white lumpy spots on it, my fish isn't slimmy and doesn't have rapid gill movement. He is swimming round slowly and lazily. I water changed the tank a week ago(half the tank water). I have used Anti White Spot by Interpet today and put 5mls in. It is my nursery tank with all guppy fry from 2 months to 7months old. And have not had any new fish. My question is how do I get my pH balanced and what are the spots as they don't look like white spot symtoms? I know my nitrate is high, so should I do a water change or keeping adding more Anti White Spot and do a water change when the spots have gone? Please help guys, I don't want my babies dieing :(

Sorry my Nitrate is 100 and my nitrite is 0.
Don't worry about the pH.

Yes, do a water change and redose with the meds.

Are you using liquid tests or the paper strip kind? As you don't have a reading for ammonia?
I am using the paper stripe test kit, it doesn't have an ammonia tester. Do you have any idea what the white lumps are on my guppy, they look like loads of white warts all over him. :(
A photo might help.
I would strongly recommend you getting an ammonia test kit.

Seems silly to test for the others but not ammonia..

Water change will bring the Nitrate down, make it a big one though. 50+ %

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