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Apr 27, 2004
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Hi, my name is Dawn, Im new to this site, what brings me here is a love for my new found fish. Wich seem to be dying one by one and I need it to stop. My Aunt gave me a 30 gallon tank a month ago, I cleaned it out and put back the three original fish(she thinks they are Platy,I'm not sure) anyhow I waited to see how they were doing, they were fine so I bought a dalmatian Molly, 2 orange platy, 2 orange, two black, two white mollys. I have to baby fry that I am keeping contained in a breeder. Oh, I also bought two algea dissapeared ( I found its skeleton the other day :-( , The first to go was a black molly, then a white one, then another balck one, then an orange one. my dalmatian molly looks crocked (sounds crazy I know) and is staying to the bottom. My white one is either very pregnant or very bloated. I have noticed on several occasions that the three original fish whatever they may be are chasing after the fish. I need help I dont want anymore to die.
Thank You
Hi Dawn.
There are a hundred reasons that could contribute to your fishies dying.
Usually it's the water! (OR some big. bad fish that shouldn't be in there..but that doesn't seem to be the problem here..)

Read the 'pinned' posts at the top to see if there's anything you can recognize. Sounds like you got a tank from someone, and are trying to 'keep it going', without taking the steps it takes to establish what it takes to keep live creatures. (Realize, these live creatures live in a very different environment than you or I could ever imagine.)

If you want a 'quickie' solution, the people here are the best.

Tell us:

- Filter set-up. (or at least try to describe what it looks like, and where it sits, and what it does.) If you don't have a filter, ask 'Aunt' if she can help you buy one. $30 can at least get things going.

- How much you're feeding them? (A 'fingernail' size? A small 'handfull'?)

- Did you fill it with tapwater? (If so, go to a fish shop and tell them what you've done, (don't be embarrased), and ask for some 'stuff' to add to get rid of the chemicals that tapwater has, that's killing your fish. (Yes, it can take a couple of weeks for fish to die because of this.)
You could spend $5 or $10.
- Anything else you folks can think of? (basic ?).
Also may be helpful to post this sort of thread in a help forum.

You should get faster responses there.
Hi, thank you for the advice, I did not however see "pinned posts", I have a filter, I use clorine out in my tap water thats added, I was told at the pet store I was feeding them way too much ( a pinch 3 times a day as it said on the back of the food carton.) I checked the ph level and it is at 7.4, I did an amonia test and it was fine, but had just done a water change. so the only thing I can think of is that I was overfeeding and causing to much waste in the bottom of the tank and/or the three original platie are way to aggressive for the rest.
Please take my advice and do a small water change daily, if you dont have any ammonia present then I bet the nitrites are up. any food carton will tell you to feed like that in order to sell more. My advice to you is to feed you fish every other day and do small water changes for a while until you get your tank fully cycled.

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