Please Help


New Member
Jan 10, 2009
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please help i have been out today and got a tetratec gc 40 to clean my gravel but all it have done is made a mess of the tank.
could anyone please tell me if this is the right thing to use or i'm doing something wrong?? i did follow all the instructions, not that there was many to follow. thanks
define- made a mess of tank
define- made a mess of tank

all the poo and things in the gravel didnt come out it was just floating round the tank and the water that came out was clean. if that helps
OK, Hi there Tanny,

If its a standard gravel cleaning siphon vac then it looks like a larger clear cylinder at one end and just a clear long hose at the other. You use a hand bulb or just lung suction to start the water coming out to a lower drain or bucket. Then you are supposed to gently plunge the clear cylinder into the gravel and jiggle it around so that the gravel comes up into it and is churned about a bit and falls back down, while the siphoning water carries out a higher debris content along with it as it goes.

Now it could be that you are just concerned with how cloudy and messy this makes your tank look. That is quite normal and it clears overnight as your filter works on it. Not sure if that might have been the concern...

In pictures, the TTec GC cleaners look to be the type I'm describing.

OK, Hi there Tanny,

If its a standard gravel cleaning siphon vac then it looks like a larger clear cylinder at one end and just a clear long hose at the other. You use a hand bulb or just lung suction to start the water coming out to a lower drain or bucket. Then you are supposed to gently plunge the clear cylinder into the gravel and jiggle it around so that the gravel comes up into it and is churned about a bit and falls back down, while the siphoning water carries out a higher debris content along with it as it goes.

Now it could be that you are just concerned with how cloudy and messy this makes your tank look. That is quite normal and it clears overnight as your filter works on it. Not sure if that might have been the concern...

In pictures, the TTec GC cleaners look to be the type I'm describing.


thank for the help that did answer my question.

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