Please Help


New Member
Feb 24, 2008
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hi i am new to the forums and need some help as i have a 14 inch whopping rtc he is in a large 72"x24"x24" tank which i have recently cleaned and done a 50% water change but he seems to be gasping just like he is fimding it hard to breath
have i done something to the water otherwise he seems fine and happy i am scared i lose him please help
many many thanks :good:
Did you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the tank? If not then the fish could have been chlorinated and its gills might be damaged. Try adding a doulbe dose of dechlorinator and maybe some stresscoat or something along those lines.

If the tank hasn't been set up for long (less than a month) the fish could be suffering from ammonia poisoning. Check your tank water for ammonia and nitrite. If it has any reading then cut the feeding right back to twice a week and do some partial (50%) water changes each day to dilute the levels. Make sure any new water going into the tank is free of chlorine and has a similar temperature and PH to the tank.

14inches isn't that big for a redtail catfish. They can hit 3ft easily and big females often make it to 5ft. Eventually you will need a bigger tank to house it.
hi Colin_T thank you for the post i have dechlorinated the water and have done a test and the nitrate is slightly up as is the ammonia and i will do as you suggeted regarding the water changes each day to bring the levels to normal and he wont be happy bout the feeding as he does love his

Did you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the tank? If not then the fish could have been chlorinated and its gills might be damaged. Try adding a doulbe dose of dechlorinator and maybe some stresscoat or something along those lines.

If the tank hasn't been set up for long (less than a month) the fish could be suffering from ammonia poisoning. Check your tank water for ammonia and nitrite. If it has any reading then cut the feeding right back to twice a week and do some partial (50%) water changes each day to dilute the levels. Make sure any new water going into the tank is free of chlorine and has a similar temperature and PH to the tank.

14inches isn't that big for a redtail catfish. They can hit 3ft easily and big females often make it to 5ft. Eventually you will need a bigger tank to house it.
the fish will be fine without food for a few days. It is better for his long term survival if he doesn't get fed too much especially if the filters are having trouble dealing with the waste and causing ammonia levels to rise.
Big predatory fish only need to be fed a couple of times a week anyway.
Im sure your already well aware but incase your not, you will need to upgrade your tank very soon :) RTC's can get up to 5ft in lengh, as your tank is only 6' by 2' it wont be enough for its entire life :)

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