Please Help

Fishy Lover

New Member
Dec 16, 2007
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will any large friendly fish go with:
5 rummy nose tetras
5 platies
2 panda catfish
1 siamese fighting fish
1 small angel fish
2 silver tip tetras
2 small gold loaches
3 guppies
in a 120lt Jewel Aquarium
will kissing gourami go with them if not wat will :S
please help
A kissing gourami may be ok at first but they soon grow and get a attitude about them which will the stress the others.
I'd say you're probably fully stocked, I certainly wouldn't add a big fish to the mix.
Your tank is quite well stocked already, but I think perhaps your bigger problem is quite what some of these fish will be like as they mature. As helterskelter has said, kissing gouramis can be aggressive. They also get fairly large, and will routinely exceed 15 cm in aquaria and often get to more than 20 cm. At this size they need at least a 180-200 litre aquarium to do well. Their aggression is variable, and often they work best with midwater barbs and characins rather than slow moving things like angels or other gouramis.

I'm also curious what a "small" gold loach might be. Most loaches aren't small, and many are fairly boisterous. I'm hoping this isn't the golden morph of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, known to some people as the "sucking loach" or "Chinese algae eater". It's a terrible fish for community tanks that gets big and becomes a real terror once mature. Lovely as a target fish for jumbo cichlid aquaria (I kept mine in a Central American cichlid community, around 200 gallons) but honestly not recommended for small aquaria, despite their wide sale.

Do be careful with the concept of "small" angelfish and "small" loaches. Small often means "juvenile", and many fish becomes far less manageable as they mature. Adult angels are about 10 cm long and can eat small fish. They very often become territorial, and (perhaps surprisingly) may also become fin-nippers, attacking the tails of fancy guppies and Siamese fighters.

My recommendation is to try and build up the numbers of individuals you have in the schooling species while removing those species that won't work. Tetras for example should always be in groups of six or more, and you'll find them less shy and more playful when in decent numbers.

Cheers, Neale

will any large friendly fish go with:
5 rummy nose tetras
5 platies
2 panda catfish
1 siamese fighting fish
1 small angel fish
2 silver tip tetras
2 small gold loaches
3 guppies
in a 120lt Jewel Aquarium
will kissing gourami go with them if not wat will :S
please help
I know gold loaghes can grow very big but i didnt know that wen i bought them so wen they get 2 big they can go with my leaf fish in a 120lt tank wat i mean by small is that i bought them only 5cm long :fun:
No way you can combine Gyrinocheilus aymonieri with leaf-fish (by which I assume you mean Ctenopoma acutirostre, but if you mean a *real* leaf-fish then definitely not! These so-called "loaches" are incredibly aggressive. In a 120-litre tank they can terrorise peaceful fish like leaf-fish and climbing perch.

Cheers, Neale

I know gold loaghes can grow very big but i didnt know that wen i bought them so wen they get 2 big they can go with my leaf fish in a 120lt tank wat i mean by small is that i bought them only 5cm long :fun:

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