Please Help!


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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Melbourne, Australia
Please help. I just recently bought 2 new silver dollars. approx 3" . Ive only had them 2 days, and already they have grown white fluff all over. 1 in particulat had it very bad, his eyes have bulged too...One still has an appitite and swims freely, but the severe one has neither appetite or swims around.

I have no readings except ph - 7 (constant)

6 - black widow tetras
2 - shovelnose catfish
3 - medium comet goldfish
.....2 - silverdollars

its in a 160 litre tank kept at approx 25 degrees celcius. PLEASE HELP id like to catch this befor it kills.... :(
OK I'm sorry to say but there's some obvious problems with your set up and that's probably why they have got poorly.... so 2 parts to this thread... treatment and prevention

treatment, if they have white fluff all over it sounds like fungus, you can treat with pimafix, there's details on the bottle of how to work out the dose based on the litres in your tank, do a fairly large water change (40%) before you start treatment, if you have carbon in your filter remove it, then treat every day for a week, carry on treating even if they appear cured. Then do another big change when your done treating and you can put new carbon back in the filter if you like. However if you do have a carbon in your filter do a little research into why it's there and what it does, personally i don't think it's nescessary for every day filtration, but I won't bang on about that now, it's another issue.

OK Hopefully that should get rid of the fungus, although it may be too late for some of the fish.

prevention, well firstly is your tank coldwater or tropical..... cos you have both sorts of fish in there. You can't just stick at a temp somewhere in the middle and hope they'll all be happy, the comet goldfish need to be kept seperatly to everything else. So you've either got to set up another tank to keep these two sorts of fish, or re-home some of them. That's your first major descision to make.
Test results - if you have no results I assume you have no test kit... get one.... now, this is a vital part of any set up, how do you know if the fish you added are used to your water quality? or if there's soemthing not vastly wrong with your water?? Especially when you see signs of disease the first thing you should do is test your water. I recommend the API Master Test Kit. Ok so go get your kit, then post your results for ph, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, then we may have more of a clue why your fish have got ill. Also as they are new arrivals rign the fish shop and ask what they're water stats are, if yours are different to theirs then that's probably why your fish got poorly.
Shovelnose catfish - they get big.... very big.... up to 2 foot if my memory serves me correctly, do your own research though and find out about these fish. But I strongly doubt if your tank is big enough for them so you should re-home them.
Silver Dollars, same again, they're not quite as big as shovelnoses' but they do still need a really as they prefer to be in groups of 6+ so you need room to house a large group of them. Big fish and lots of them means a big tank!

That's enough to start, it seems you need to do a bit more research before you buy fish as you've not thought through your choices for this tank very well. Please look up the fish you have an you'll soon see for yourself that they are really not compatible and suitable for your tank. Sorry to be so negative but I don't have much choice.

If I was you I'd get on with treating them asap, while your treating you have a week or so to research and work out what you want to do with your tank and fish, then when everyone is well again you can re-home them and sort things out. Do it sooner rather than later as more often that not unsuitable conditions can lead to diseases recurring.

good luck
Thanks alot for your indepth post. I have just purchased a master test kit and all conditions are spot on. I was in the local aquarium and the owner informed me that the fluff on the new silver dollars is most likely stress coat. After doing all the tests, and finding all is spot on i have added aquarium salt to minimize their stress. Im hoping this helps them.

I have taken all you told me on board and im hoping i dont have te re-home any of them. Thank you for your reply once again mrs wiggle. :D
Thanks alot for your indepth post. I have just purchased a master test kit and all conditions are spot on. I was in the local aquarium and the owner informed me that the fluff on the new silver dollars is most likely stress coat. After doing all the tests, and finding all is spot on i have added aquarium salt to minimize their stress. Im hoping this helps them.

I have taken all you told me on board and im hoping i dont have te re-home any of them. Thank you for your reply once again mrs wiggle. :D

hmmm fluff doesn't sound like stress coat to me, stress coat is kind of slimy. I still say fungus caused by the stress of moving. maybe post a pic for us and some other people can give they're opinions too.

i'm concerned you've added salt to your aquarium though. although it can be a very good tonic salt is very bad for scaless fish (i.e. catfish) adding this could easily kill your shovelnoses. what sort of salt have you added, you get some sold as 'aquarium tonic salt' and other similar titles, this is no good to anyone. What you need is marine salt, you need to make the water slightly brackish which most fish can tolerate but will kill off the bacteria organisms.

i would do an immediate large water change to take the salt out of the water. I'm sorry to say you should never have been advised to add this with catfish in the tank.

glad you've taken it all on board, like i said do your own research about the fish you have and you can hopefully change things around so you can house them all suitably. :)

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