Please Help!


Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
I've just literally seen my favourite fish in the whole world (Plakat Male Betta) being dragged backwards along the tank by my male Krib - my LFS told me the pair of Kribs would be fine in the tank and other tank mates (see 22gal signature).

I immediately took poor Flash (plakat) out of the tank and then furiously started routing out the two culprits. I now have them in a bag to take back to the LFS.

Poor Flash has chewed fins (REALLY chewed) but no visible bodily injuries. I've just treated the tank with melafix but is it worth putting him in a breeding trap or leave him in the tank? I don't want to stress the little guy out any more than he is but I don't want him to be picked on now he's injured (boy could he hold his own before!!!!!)

I really want this little guy to be ok - what should I do? :-(

poor lil thing :(

have you got a spare tank that he could chill out and recouperate in?
melafix & a bit of salt for now and a close eye kept on him for fin rot i think.
lots of TLC!!
Maybe if you could isolate him in a breeding trap for a wee while till he recovers would be good or another separate tank as catxx suggested. If you leave him in your community tank then don't add Salt as you have scaleless fish in your tank and it could hurt them. You probably know this, but worth pointing out for newbies :D

Hope he recovers for you, lfs' have a lot to answer for :grr:
Thanks for advice - well I returned both 'spawn of satan' to my LFS.

Little flash seems to be in a bit of shock but is doing ok for the moment - I'll get him a little breeding trap later today if he seems to be being picked on.

Fingers crossed he'll be ok! :unsure:
Shame you had to return your kribs, especially if you plan to remove the betta anyway. I adore my kribs :wub:

I hope he gets well soon! I would imagine that was quite a traumatizing sight to see. Even though your lfs said it was okay, I bet if you asked here beforehand many folks would have told you no.
Yea, to be honest I kinda had the thought in the back of my head "what are you doing, these are Cichlids" but my lack of patience has unfortunately bitten me (or Flash!)

Well, little Flash has been put in a breeding trap with a little bit of java moss to give him a place to "snuggle" in which he quite likes in the main tank. He had a good nibble on some food yesterday and was swimming about a bit.

Does anyone know how long fins take to grow back? (Very rough guesstimate!)
I say he'll be in top shape in two weeks or so. Maybe even less if you keep his water extra clean. It heals nearly as quickly as skin, it just depends on the severity of the damage.

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