Please help worried about my new cory


Jun 14, 2003
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I got 7 corys 2 days ago, lost 1 the first day, think it was because it was a baby. 1 of the other corys is now spending alot of time at the top of the tank. He goes down for a few minutes then right back up. His color is also very dark compared to the others and if you look closely at him, he is all skinny. His tail apears to kind of bent in an s. It may be just because he looks skinny. WHat should i do? My ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates 10, ph 6.8, alk 80, hardness 75.
Could it be that the tank is too deep for him since he is small? Should i move him to a 10 to keep a better eye on him? Hospital tank? Could i put him in with sword fry? Please help, i dont have any ideas.
No i beleive it could possibly be it could be swim bladder in which there is not really a pernament cure. You should raise the temp and stave it for a few days. Good luck with ur corys
Well, thanks for all of the help yesterday, but when i went out to get meds, he was dead by the time i got home. I was wondering if it was internal parasites ot what, what i should watch for in the rest. Is it contageous? Thanks. Sandy
Could of been shock and stress of different water chemistry, internal deformity of the swim bladder.

how are the rest of your corys?
I woke this morning to find that another one was getting darker, so out he test kits came again. I tested yesterday and everything normal, ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 10. I tested this morning and my ammonia was .05. :crazy: I think putting them in there sent my tank into a minicycle and since they are so small, they could not handle it. I took the dark one out and put it in with my swordtail fry in a 10 gallon. His color was back to normal within a few hours. I am keeping a close eye on the rest of them in there and i also did a 15% water change and will check the ammonia again in the morning. If the ammonia continues to climb, i have 5 other tanks that i could put corys in. I wanted them in the 55, but may have added too many at the same time. What every is going on it is only affecting the small ones, so i think its the ammonia although it was 0 yesterday when i lost that one. I guess i will have to wait and see. Thanks. Sandy

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