Please help with infectio/parasite


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, uk
Hiya, have just joined and really need some help.

Here are the details. we have a 4ft tank and in it are 2 rope fish, 2 pyjama catfish, 2 bronze corydoras, 1 silver shark, 1 clown loach, 2 kissing guormi, spotted doras and a stripe one, unsure of name exactly.

2 days ago we lost a 3 year old pleco and just before that a rope fish. The 2 rope fish and silver shark seem to have parasites or infection. Its like a white mucus under the scales. We have been told to use portazin and do water changes everyday for the next 7 days.

To be honest I dont know if we have caught it too late, we really need some advice, we have also been told about salt baths but not sure what to do exactly.

Oh we have 2 external filters, 1 being a fluval 204 and an underwater gravel filter.

Hope someone can help

More info...... The Nitrates are very high (very dark purple) , ph is about 6.4, Ammonia is 0 and Nitrite is 0.
Water change!!!
Do them every day for as long as you can to get those readings down! for the sickness, that probably has alot to do with it, it is probably a good idea to add some meds to the water as you are trying to get the nitrates down too.....something like Miracin.

Hopefully someone else has some more advice, Good luck!!!

Hi Tweetipi,
Have you noticed any unusual behaivor in the fish the past few days? Like rubbing or flashing?
What is the temp in the tank?
What do the fishes gills look like?

There are many possible causes so we need to try to narrow this down some. The first thing I'm thinking is that the very high nitrate caused the fishes immune system to weaken and encouraged growth of the parasite popultaion which then attacked the already weakened fish. You need to do a large water change and get the nitrates down.

What a salt bath does is, if there are parasites present, then the effects of reverse osmosis will dehydrate them. Of course it will dehydrate your fish as well but your fish are much larger organisms and can tolerate this for a much longer period of time.
Some things to keep in mind about salt baths,
Make sure the salt is completely dissolved and add an airstone to the water. Leave the fish in the water for up to 20 minutes but take them out before if they start to roll over.

In a container large enough to hold the fish add about 3 oz. salt per gallon. You can use the water from your fish tank after you do a water change. This will avoid pH and temp stress.

Don't use salts containing anti-caking agents.

best of luck and HTH

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