Canus-Equus covered it pretty good, one thing I have to recommend strongly is that you get a bbs hatchery up & running. Everyone tries to do without at the beginning, it really is hard to have any success without it. The fry need the movement of tiny live food to trigger their feeding instinct.
I dug up a few documents I have saved;
Day 0: Eggs spawned in streaks, are clear or translucent.
Day 1: Some infertile eggs turn white.
Day 2: More eggs turn white, wiggling tails emerge from clear eggs. Some white eggs may get fuzzy.
Day 3: Tadpole shape forms with large yolk sack, fry remain stuck to the slate.
Day 4: Small eyes form.
Day 5: Eyes grow large, yolk sack shrinks. Start brine shrimp hatchery.
Day 6: Some fry are free swimming.
Day 7: All free swimming, time to start feeding.
You can follow these changes with a strong hand lens and strong light. If all the eggs are infertile, they will turn white and get fuzzy from fungus attack after a day or two.
I've used the following chart (off the internet) as a guide to my Mimimum stocking rates.
Newly free swimming fry 40 fry per gallon
Two week old fry 20 fry per gallon
Month old fry 10 fry per gallon
Pea size bodies 3 fish per gallon
Dime size bodies 2 fish per gallon
Nickel size bodies 1 fish per gallon
Quarter size bodies 1 fish per 2 gallons
Silver Dollar size bodies 1 fish per 3 gallons
Potential breeders 1 fish per 5 gallons
Show Specimens 1 fish per 10 gallons
One breeding pair 20 gallon high tank
If you lose this spawn don't worry; they will spawn again in 7 to 14 days. I can't think of anyone who has had a huge success with the first spawn, it usually takes a few tries to get a decent amount of survivors. One of the best things you can do is find a local club, they are always willing to share info, and will have some ideas on what works & what doesn't with your local water supply. Check out
Some of the links are out of date, but if you google the club name you can usually connect with them.