Please help! White patches w rough scales



I just noticed one of my females staying by the top in a plant and she has 2 small white patches and the scales look rough. She's not actin crazy, but is very still and didn't feed much. On a couple of guppy fry I can see roughened white on the side fin. I think I killed my snail too. I thru in some rid-ich and the snail closed and hasn't opened. I put him in a jar that had un medicated tank water w lettuce(growin food for fry) and he hasn't opened back up. I didn't read to take out invertibrates first, but he was only in for a couple of minutes. Is he dead? I've read on previous threads to raise temp, and I just happened to do a 30% change today. What disease is this? Is there anything else I can do? I have 2 albino coreys so I guess salt is out from what I understand. Does the medication in combination with the 85 temp speed recovery? What should I do. Will put her down to save tank if I need to. Please help.


Keith :-(
From your description it kind of sounds like fungus. Are the white spots kind of fuzzy looking? If they are then it probably is fungus. You can treat fungus with medications or salt. Since you have cories, you probably shouldn't use salt, so medications are your best bet. I think some of the mara- products help fungus. I hope I'm right! HTH! :D
jungle makes a good fungus medicine you need to check those spots and make sure what they are if it is ich all you have to do is raise the temp. to 85 degrees and that will take care of that problem. becareful on what kind of medicine you use for ich those corys are scaless and a lot of that ich medicine says not to use if you have scaless fish. They sale this Jungle products at walmarts I like the fungus medicine it seem to work good for me. I wish you luck treating your fish. and I hope it gets better
K, I'm not touching anything cuz I think I screwed things up. Yesterday I just had a guppy w fungus and everyone else was happy. I may have over reacted:( So first I changed water then added ich med. Snail almost died so took him out and he has recovered. The I went and got some salt as someone told me opinions with coreys differ. I added the prescribed amount for 10 gal(2 tabl spoons) and corey looked like were dying. So then I did a 30% water change and added a little new ich med(1/4 tsp) Late last night, coreys not doing good, off ballance, tipping over. So I thought, well, gotta get rid of more salt, so did another 40% change and another 1/4 tsp of ich med. This would put me a little over 1 tsp of salt(little more) after changes and 1 tsp of ich med but coreys were fine this morning. All the guppys looked good except the fem I was originally treating(looks a little better today but didn't feed) and one male. He is staying by the top of the water and not playing. I thought I'd wake up to dead fish today after yesterdays drama unfolded. Last night they were all huddled in corner at very top by heater till I turned off the light and all went and laid on bottom like normal, except the sick female. So, I have 2 concerns. All the other fish seemed to aclimate except the one male. What's up with him? Will he be ok? Secondly, Is there anything else I should do for the fungus? Water temp is at 83, amonia is at .1 and the ph is just off the chart that goes to 7.25. I would estimate about 7.5. I have 2 coreys, 8 guppys, and 15fry. 10gal tank with healthy live plants, 10inch aireator stone, cartridge filter, and a whisper 10 power filter. I have taken out all carbon and filled with filter fiber material. What should I do? The med seems to stress, and salt kills coreys. Right now, my fish aren't too happy but I guess medicine never tastes good. They have salt, med, and heat. Anything else for fungus? Should I slip a day before I treat them again? Should I change more water? Help!!!
the ick medicine wont help the fungus... id get the fungus eliminator made by jungle... it will most likely kill weaker fish.. possibly your female.. but will prevent the fungus from spreading to other fish... i just treated my fry tank with it... all the fry with the fungus died... and i have about 1/2 the # of fry left..which sucks.. but none of the other fry have it.. and should be ok.... im totally cleaning out that tank just in case..... i highly recommend the jugle fungus eliminator.. they sell it at wal mart i know.... look for it it works great and its not too expensive either.. around $5 canadian here :D good luck :dunno:
rid-ich says it treats ich, fungus, protozoan, and bacteria. All parasetical conditions. I really don't want to over medicate as it seems the fish are allready stressin. How long til i should treat again after all the trauma? What's up with the male at the surface in the corner who has no fungus? How are the water parameters mentioned above?

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