65 gallon tank
12(and decreasing) corys
1 angel
multiple tetras
1 synodontus eupterus
1 upsidedown cat
well planted, well aerated and filtered tank. 2 strong airstones in each backcorner and a hot magnum 250 (gph) hang-on-the back filter. seachem fluorite, sand and river gravel about 2 inches deep for the substrate.
temp 80-82 ph 7.5, 0 nitrate and 0 ammonia. tank has been going for more than a year.
i do feed live tubifex worms every 3-5 days and maybe a parasite has been introduced. i see nothing at all on any of the fish.
over the last few weeks i am losing fish. mostly fish which live at or near the bottom. most have had no visible signs of a problem. and just the day b4, looked fine. i have a brochis splendins now lying on its side in a floating breeder tank. it had floated to the surface like two aeneus corys i found today which had died. it has large red blotches on its belly and smaller ones at the base of the fins. its eyes are a bit bugged out. i am sure it is too late.
most of the corys in the tank have no barbels. none. and their tails are a bit shorter than should be. maybe finrot but no red borders. just a disappearance of the tail fins.
am treating with melafix now and will see in the morning. but i am sure b. splendins will be dead. i've lost probably 7-8 corys, 1 flying fox, 1 bolivian ram and 1 killifish of some sort over this 3 weeks.
the fish all act perfectly normal up until the 'day of death' and they die looking picture perfect.
i am doing nothing differently from the past 30+ years of fishkeeping.
god this is getting long but, i hate watching them die. any help is greatly appreciated.
12(and decreasing) corys
1 angel
multiple tetras
1 synodontus eupterus
1 upsidedown cat
well planted, well aerated and filtered tank. 2 strong airstones in each backcorner and a hot magnum 250 (gph) hang-on-the back filter. seachem fluorite, sand and river gravel about 2 inches deep for the substrate.
temp 80-82 ph 7.5, 0 nitrate and 0 ammonia. tank has been going for more than a year.
i do feed live tubifex worms every 3-5 days and maybe a parasite has been introduced. i see nothing at all on any of the fish.
over the last few weeks i am losing fish. mostly fish which live at or near the bottom. most have had no visible signs of a problem. and just the day b4, looked fine. i have a brochis splendins now lying on its side in a floating breeder tank. it had floated to the surface like two aeneus corys i found today which had died. it has large red blotches on its belly and smaller ones at the base of the fins. its eyes are a bit bugged out. i am sure it is too late.
most of the corys in the tank have no barbels. none. and their tails are a bit shorter than should be. maybe finrot but no red borders. just a disappearance of the tail fins.
am treating with melafix now and will see in the morning. but i am sure b. splendins will be dead. i've lost probably 7-8 corys, 1 flying fox, 1 bolivian ram and 1 killifish of some sort over this 3 weeks.
the fish all act perfectly normal up until the 'day of death' and they die looking picture perfect.
i am doing nothing differently from the past 30+ years of fishkeeping.
god this is getting long but, i hate watching them die. any help is greatly appreciated.