Please Help R The Plants Affecting My Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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hi i am having some troubles with my fish they really look unheathy the only things i have added r plants and apple snails about 2 wks ago howeve i have just pulled some plants up as i really needed to sort this out and they still have the wadding and lead around them however this is really really smelling foul...could this be wot is affecting them/ and wot should i do?
Sounds like your substrate (gravel) has gone bad. The foul smelling stuff is probably hydrogen sulphide and is toxic to most life. It is normally attributed to lack of maintenance.

Ironically decent plant growth can prevent it.

How deep is the substrate? How old is it? Do you vacuum it regularly? Are you heavily stocked with fish?
hi i am having some troubles with my fish they really look unheathy the only things i have added r plants and apple snails about 2 wks ago howeve i have just pulled some plants up as i really needed to sort this out and they still have the wadding and lead around them however this is really really smelling foul...could this be wot is affecting them/ and wot should i do?

hi ,
right i have sand that has replaced gravel about3 wks ago, i do a 1/3 water change evry wk and it is then when i clean the sand, i also have many trumpet snails in there so not to get gas posckets build up.. thanks alot
You shouldnt get any smell from your plants or substrate, could it be something dead and rotting in the plant or sand?

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