Please Help - Opaline Gourami


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
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I struggled to take a decent picture as he happily swims around,

he has what appear to be sores, all over the tail/end part of his body,  and what appear to be a few examples of white spot.   But I have treated for white spot and fungus and neither has helped.
Considering how "scruffy" he looks,  and how generally poorly he looks,  he acts perfectly fine,  eats readily and normally,  and swims around seemingly happily.
Is this just a case of an old fish showing one or two signs of wear (3+ years old)   or is there something wrong ?  and if so what  ?
there are no other fish in the tank capable of bullying him imo,  and water quality is fine,
No, that fish is infected with something, not a fungus or Ich, but some other thing I've never seen thank God.  You should post this in the "Tropical Emergency" section, more people will see it that know what that is.  I wish I knew what that was so I could help, my best guess would be something bacterial and I would probably treat with TC Tetracycline.  Get a second opinion though.
It also looks like a def. female to me, males have a different body shape and much longer dorsal & anal fins.

Also, post your water stats, tank size & other fish in the tank.  You may have something that's picking on her?  

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