please help, my bristlenose

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Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
please someone help me
My Brisltenose Pleco (Medusa) was caught floating upstide down. I taped him with the net and has returned to the right position. He tried to attach to the wall but then did the same thing. I have him right side up at the bottom of the tank with algae waffers in fron of him, but nothing. My corys went to investigate and he moved and his dorsal fin was lifted. He looks totally fine, no marks, all fins in tact, even dorsal fin raised. I really need some advice because I'm really hoping it is not broken swim bladder.
Please help, Thanks.
Could it be your water? Test for ammonia and nitrite lately? If there's dangerous levels of ammonia or nitrite, it's more concentrated at the bottom of the tank, so your pleco would get hit the hardest.
Is your tempertaure high? I find all my bottom dwellers(cories, plecos, loaches) like cooler temps(73-75F) and lots of aeration.

Good luck, I hope you find the cause :thumbs:
Sorry to hear about him they are a great fish, Its sounds like the swimbladder to me but not sure.

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