Please Help,molly Pregnant .

Cute fry :)

Mollies are veg eaters,daphnia is good for them,but you need to give them veg based powdered food also,any tropical fish flake food should be ok,i'm not sure what they sell in India :)

It is good you have got a heater in the fry tank :good:

I noticed in your larger tank the water is only three quarters of the way up your tank,why don't you fill it up near the top,this will give your fish more swimming space :)

Yes Harlequins, i fil up to the top but i changed the water in the small tank so i took it from the main tank,thats why its nt compleatly fill.

Now thats full up to top.
Good work My Friend. :good: Im Happy to see the fry in there own tank

Good Luck!

Also What filter are you using?

Cute fry :)

Mollies are veg eaters,daphnia is good for them,but you need to give them veg based powdered food also,any tropical fish flake food should be ok,i'm not sure what they sell in India :)

It is good you have got a heater in the fry tank :good:

I noticed in your larger tank the water is only three quarters of the way up your tank,why don't you fill it up near the top,this will give your fish more swimming space :)

Yes Harlequins, i fil up to the top but i changed the water in the small tank so i took it from the main tank,thats why its nt compleatly fill.

Now thats full up to top.

Thats all good :good:
Now an important question.

when my fry will grow, can they produce babys,
as they are from same mother ?

and at what age a fry becomes mature to reproduce ?

Now i am thinking about, where will i keep that much fishes!!
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Now an important question.

when my fry will grow, can they produce babys,
as they are from same mother ?
Yes They will reproduce From the same mother.
My baby fry is 49 days old and nearly an inch. U Should let him out soon to explore the big world infront of him :)
and at what age a fry becomes mature to reproduce ?
6-8 months?? for females / 1 year for males?? Something like that
Now i am thinking about, where will i keep that much fishes!!
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Sell them to your LFS. Some Will Die in the process of keeping them ( i lost one fry to Fungas. it was unexpected and he will ill at birth. )
Sell them back to your LFS for some money :good:
Yes ifbu dont seperate them when they become sexually mature you would have lots and lots of fry the answer is yes they will breed with each other
Long before the fish can breed, they will be old enough to sell to a local fish shop, except the ones that you decide that you want to keep. If you decide to keep many of them, you can end up like I have with many tanks in your home. Typically, you can expect them to be at least 4 or 5 cm long before they are able to breed. If you have nice big tanks your fish will grow to well over 10 cm at full size. Most people do not have that much room in a home aquarium, they use ponds to grow the fish that big. You should have almost no deaths after the first week as long as you look after the young fish properly, good food and lots of water changes.
One more question friends.
One of my fry is not moving like other's
and he is not even that much coloured as otheres.

Any medicine or anything that can make him active.

Please help. :)

Have a nice day!!
HI Alind

It may be a weak fry,there's nothing much you can do for it,if its strong enough it will pull through.Its natures way.

Just keep the tank clean by daily water changes and keeping the bottom of the tank clean and you should be ok :good:
Long before the fish can breed, they will be old enough to sell to a local fish shop, except the ones that you decide that you want to keep. If you decide to keep many of them, you can end up like I have with many tanks in your home. Typically, you can expect them to be at least 4 or 5 cm long before they are able to breed. If you have nice big tanks your fish will grow to well over 10 cm at full size. Most people do not have that much room in a home aquarium, they use ponds to grow the fish that big. You should have almost no deaths after the first week as long as you look after the young fish properly, good food and lots of water changes.

Thankyou sir !!
:) :) :)

Belive me,
i am just following all of yours directions
Happy New Year !!

Wish You All a very

And Prosperous New

Alind Billore & Family.

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