
crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
can my glass fihs, lemon tetras, and head and tail lights go with a betta?! i want freckles into my 10 gallon cause there is only those three fish i mentioned and a juvy common plec and a dojo!
PLEASE HELP ME I NEED TO KNOW THIS!!!!! i moved my betta into the tank and would LOVE to know how each fish will react!
well, since you don't seem to want to wait for someone with good advice, i will tell you my opinion...
i have never had the fish that you described, but i think it is a general no-no to put bettas with tetras, as they tend to be nippy.
depending on how many of each of these tetra that you have, your tank is probably fully stocked without the betta! especially with a common plec. i am guessing that you have already been told he will get too big for a 10 gal, as you mentioned he was a juvie!
hope that helps
Bettas can only be kept with short finned, dull colored community fish, and it really depends on the betta.

EDIT: neons are a no no. they are very nippy. It's best to leave a betta by themselves.
you're welcome. There are a lot of success stories about people who keep bettas with a ton of different things, but if you think of it this way, it isn't natural. It is good you are taking our advice though, it shows you care for your betta.

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