My new little guy Tic-Tac isn't doing to hott. He was a rescue, he was underfed in his last home and came to me extremely skinny with shredded tail and fins from fin rot. but he's been active, always looking for food and dancing for me whenever I pass his tank. I've been feeding him slowly, don't want him to gain too much weight to fast and get constipated or anything. Well this morning I noticed that he wasn't asking normal. Instead of looking for me he just kind of floated around, no dancing, no appetite, and he looks bloated. Well at first I thought he might just be consitpated but then I noticed what looks to be like some sort of sore growing on his forhead right between his eyes and his eyes appear just the slightest bit too big for his head. Anybody have any suggestions as to what this might be? I changed his water and added a bit of salt and some melafix. Any ideas would be great!!!
Here's Tic-Tac the day I got him
Here's Tic-Tac the day I got him