Please help me stock a loach tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Cananda
Hello everyone,

I have decided to setup a tank dedicated to loaches. I would like to keep several types, a minimum of 4 of each type.

I need a little help stocking my tank, along with deciding on what type of loaches I should get. Right now the tank is setup, and it has a white silica sand as a substrate, green/pruple slate rocks that create a dozen nice hiding places. The tank is a 35 gallon, and is running an Aqua Clear 500 - so I have MORE then enough filteration on this tank.

Loaches have long bodys so I am not entirely sure on how many I can stock.

One type of loach I would like to keep is 4 yoyo loaches. I am not a big fan of the Kuhli Loach, so I will not likely be keeping any of those. What are some other common loaches that are easy to come across, and possibly have a body shape more like a yoyo loach rather then a kuhli?

Any ideas/suggestions?

THank you!
Hi Colen,

Take a look at for suggestions. As your tank is only smallish i would stay away from yo yo's as they can get 8 inches long and mine were agressive until i put them in a bigger tank, also clowns are a definate no as they get 12 inches long. Zebra loaches are nice and stay around 3-4 inches and also pygmy chain loaches if you can get hold of them.

What is it you don't like about khuli loach. My mums friend hates mine as she says they are like snakes, but if you look are their little faces they are really cute.

Hope this helps


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