Please Help Me Sex My Rams


Fish Herder
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
Today I finally picked up my rams for my new tank. I got one pair of blue rams and one pair of golden rams. The shop owner tried giving me a male and a female of each, but he couldn't be 100% sure as they are still young and his lighting conditions are different.

So, could some of you clever people here please tell me if I really have a pair of each. The shop is very local and he said I could exchange if I found out that I got two of the same sex, but hopefully it won't be needed especially as they all seem to be very happy with each other already.

Pictures are not of best quality, but I tried:

Blue rams

In bag

Blue ram 1

Blue ram 2 (hiding a lot, couldn't get a better shot)

Gold ram

In bag


Now it gets confusing. Gold ram 1 and gold ram 2 are much more active and after taking x-gazillion pictures I don't remember which one was which. I'm just adding the best shots and as long as you can see a male and a female I'm happy.





Thanks so much for your help. Could someone also please tell me how to tell them apart for the future? And can someone please guess their age? I'd say two months, does that sound about right?
They look a little washed out right now, give them some time. Generally pink bellies identifies them as female, hard to tell right now


Thanks. Does the pink bellies rule also apply to the gold rams? Will try and take some more shots by the weekend, maybe I can get a clearer view.
Yes it does, get them on some bloodworms and make sure its warm enough and they should colour up
When I had blue rams, I had a pair. The female didn't get her pink belly until she was 2 inches. But, I can tell you that blue ram 1 is a female. The gold rams both look like males. Make sure the water is 80-82 degrees.

Hope this helps! :good:

Thanks both. Bloodworms are at the ready, first feeding time tonight (wanted them to settle in first yesterday). Water is nice and warm, 26 degrees, which I think is 80 fahrenheit.

So, crazyforcordoras, you think I have at least one female blue ram and two male gold rams? Hm, might have to go back to the seller then. I was thinking about getting more at first and see which ones pair up and then sell on / give away the others, but I know I'd get too attached to do that.
Temp needs to be 27-28c to be honest
Temp needs to be 27-28c to be honest

Just checked thermometer and heater, I had it set on 27 without realizing so they should be happy. Can't wait for first feeding tonight. I might be able to get some better pictures.

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