Please Help Me Sex My Bolivian Rams


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
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Wisconsin, United States
Hey everyone...I bought 2 Bolivian Rams last week and I was wondering if you could help me sex them based on this video. It starts out of footage of one Ram, then I switch to the second half way through. Thanks in advance for any help!!! :)

My Bolivians
The 2nd ray of the dorsal fin in the male is normally more pronounced than that of the female.... Hard to get a clear view of the dorsals in your vid with the dark background, but mostly based on their behaviour, I'd say the 2nd one is the male (esp when he first comes into screen)... But they both still look very young??
For bolivians, from the research ive done, they say to sex them, with a guarantee, is to look at a vent thats on the bottom of their body between the anal fin and the uhh front fins (dunno the name of those ones lol). The female vent is more easily visible while the male is a smaller and points at an angle going towards the anal fin. There is a few more out there but this was the most helpful when i was sexing my bolivian rams

Here is a link to show one of the sites i found that supports what ive said:

I personally cannot tell from the video, as i used the vent to sex my rams, and its a bit late lol.


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