Please Help Me Name That Disease (pics)


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
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Colorado, USA
I have a female sunshine in a 55gal aquarium. I've had her for several years now and have never had any issues. I have recently added several new fish but all were/are healthy and no outward symptoms or signs of any stress at all. It appears to be exclusive to her and ALL other tank mates are a-ok and 100% to the best of my non professional knowledge. It started with what looked like a pink growth of some sort at the base of her right pectoral fin. It didn't look like much and in fact I thought it was just your basic battle damage and would heal up. I gave it some time and almost overnight it turned into some sort of growth on her upper face. It appears almost as though it's growing from the inside out because the spot in her face between her eyes is bulging out and there are lesions now visible from the outside with obvious holes and it appears to be bothering her as she shakes from time to time like there's something on her face she's trying to get off. I'm not sure what it is and am considering removing her permanently (read: flush) to avoid further loss as I don't know if it's contagious at this point or not. Please help me figure out what it is as well as what the possible remedy would be as well.

Below are some of the pics I just snapped. I couldn't find any others from before that had her in it so you could see how much the bridge of her nose has grown but it was standard shape/size/form prior.

Could I have some form of Furunculosis here maybe? I did some Google searches and also browsed this section of this forum prior to posting and didn't find anything that I felt was an exact match.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Edit: I only have one decent picture so that's what I posted.


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Can you issolate her, will get you some info but it looks bacterial to me.
Ulcers are pink or red with a circling of white dead skin around the edges.
Do the sores look fluffy as columnaris can be pink then it start to turn into sores that eat away at the skin.
Can you issolate her, will get you some info but it looks bacterial to me.

Unfortunately I don't have a place w/water to put her at the moment besides the toilet which I don't want to do but if necessary I will to avoid infecting the other fish should it be something contagious.
Never flush a fish it a very cruel death for them.
Need your location as I would try a bacterial med.
If your'e in the states you will need maracyn one and two.

Need to use both meds which you can as it bad and it will treat gram and pos bacteria.
Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for gram-positive bacterial infections. For infections of columnaris (body fungus), fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, and secondary infections.
Active ingredient: Erythromycin.

Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal or external gram negative bacterial infections which can even be absorbed through the skin. Effective treatment of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy (swollen body, protruding scales), septicemia (bleeding or red streaks on the body), secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat.
Active ingredient: Mincycline hydrochlor.
If your'e in the states you will need maracyn one and two.

I tried treating a tank when I was young for Ich and the result was the entire tank died. Now, there's an outside chance I did something incorrectly but the last thing I want is for additional shock to claim more of my fish. I'm very wary of treating the entire tank if no other fish show signs as of yet. I realize that they might be infected and just not showing signs yet but at this point this is easily the most expendable fish in the aquarium. Sorry if that's not the reply some people are looking for but I also have to think of the rest of the fish in the tank.
To be honest if she still eating and not heavy breathing, dosn't look weak and exhausted, I think it worth ago with the meds.
As if she has something anyway the others will need treating.
Ich whitespot can kill fish fast, and some fish don't tolerate parasite meds to well, where bacteria meds are not as bad.
Turn temp down by two degrees, remove black carbon if you use it.
Increase aeration as meds reduce 02 in the tank.
Just want to make sure that the sores didn't didn't start off as pitting before they turned into sores.
Just want to make sure that the sores didn't didn't start off as pitting before they turned into sores.

Nope, no pitting. I had an oscar that had hole in head pretty bad and this was nothing like that.

Thanks for all of the information. I will take it all in and make my decision.

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