Please Help Me Identify This Pleco...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Thomasville, NC
Ok, I went to Petsmart today and bought what I thought was a rubbernose pleco. After coming home with it, I've noticed he doesn't look like the other rubbernose plecos that were in the store or the picture posted here on tff. I don't think it's a rnp, so I need your help to figure out what kind he is.



Looks a bit like the guy I had, which was an L187b, Chaetostoma sp. They are rubbernose plecs. I wouldn't say it was exactly the same as yours, but it was at the very least, quite close.
Ohhh, ok. I get it now. :)

So, as long as it's in the rubbernose family, it'll get no bigger than approx. 3"?
Ohhh, ok. I get it now. :)

So, as long as it's in the rubbernose family, it'll get no bigger than approx. 3"?

Nope, there are actually very few plecs that stay that small, im not sure what rubbernose plec yours is exactly but expect it to get any where between 4 and 13inchs+ for now until its properly ID'd- you may want to join the forum for now as they are very good at getting acurate ID's on plecs :) .
Definately a spotted cheatestoma (rubberlip) Nice, active fish and boy do they love bloodworm!

Here's one of ours (different but related species)

Ok, I'll sign up then. I'm hoping that he's the kind that doesn't very large, I don't have a tank big enough to house a monster pleco. :) It's crazy how many different plecs there are.

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