Please Help Me Identify This Fish


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
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newington, ct , usa
i adopted this fish from a friend whos tank broke. he nor i know what type of tetra this is. its large about 4 inches long.

silver body but nice yellow irredesents. bright yellow stripe and a bold black stripe just before its tail.

i will send a pic to all who want to help me identify this fish
If you post the picture in this topic it'll help everyone :) already it sounds a little like a congo but with some difference, so im unsure.
Agreed; it's difficult to identify tetras (or any other mystery fish) without a photo. But I think one of the African tetras sounds plausible; if not a Congo tetras, then something like Bathyaethiops caudomaculatus, Brycinus longipinnis or Brycinus nurse. As a rule African tetras are hardy and adaptable, so looking after them isn't difficult. Some do get quite large (over 100 cm in the case of Hydrocynus).

There are a fair number of barbs and rasboras that can be confused with tetras. As a rule, tetras (or more accurately, characins) have a small adipose fin between the dorsal fin and the tail fin. Barbs and rasboras generally lack this fin.

Cheers, Neale
thank you for your help. i cannot figure how to post in this section if you go to members photos of tanks and fish . mine post is titled 75 gallon tropical freshwater planted tank. you will find the photo there
Am I good or what? It's definitely a nurse tetra of some sort, that is, one of the medium-sized African tetras (family Alestiidae). My guess would be Brycinus longipinnis. Basic care identical to Congo tetras. A midwater predator, feeds mostly on insects and small crustaceans. Should take flake, pellets, etc. just fine. A nice fish; not common in the trade.

Cheers, Neale

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