Please Help Me As My Fish Are Dying


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
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Tyne And Wear
Hello all i thought keeping fish was easy but so little i know :-(
I have 3 little tanks
1st tank i have a betta, 2 white mollys, 2 blue platys and 1 tuxedo platy *one died*
2nd tank i have 1 silver shark *one died*
3rd tank i have 1 white molly, 2 red platy * 1 molly died and also 2 black neons died*

To clean i have been putting them in a sink bowl same temps as the tank and then get rid of all the water in tank and clean then refill with clean water and getting to same temp
water does get cloudy which iv been told im over feeding them.

Do i need to put something in the water as i think it might be the water, shall i get something like this

I have won ufo 350 fish tank from ebay and i be getting it tomorrow hopfully

Please tell me what im doing wrong as i feel so guilty that they have died

No filtration = No beneficial bacteria = high ammonia = fish die. :blink:
Hello all i thought keeping fish was easy but so little i know :-(
I have 3 little tanks
1st tank i have a betta, 2 white mollys, 2 blue platys and 1 tuxedo platy *one died*
2nd tank i have 1 silver shark *one died*
3rd tank i have 1 white molly, 2 red platy * 1 molly died and also 2 black neons died*

To clean i have been putting them in a sink bowl same temps as the tank and then get rid of all the water in tank and clean then refill with clean water and getting to same temp
water does get cloudy which iv been told im over feeding them.

Do i need to put something in the water as i think it might be the water, shall i get something like this

I have won ufo 350 fish tank from ebay and i be getting it tomorrow hopfully

Please tell me what im doing wrong as i feel so guilty that they have died

You should really read a book on how to keep tropical fish. :angry:
Well, either way; without dechlorinator or a cycled tank your fish are going to suffer. All you can do for now is change the water often, buy some dechlorinator, research basic fish keeping and then start a fish-in cycle when your 30L tank arrives. :unsure:
First off What size are your tanks you currently have ? Do your tanks have any form of filtration in them ? Heating ?

First thing you need to do is partial water changes i'd say around 20-30% and be doing these daily if not twice daily until you invest in filter's for these tank's .Filter's are not just there for an accessory to your aquarium your fish NEED these , Your filter processes all the poop and waste your fish and excess food produce this then filter's through the filter and turn's it into beneficial bacteria . You still need to do water changes while you have a filter tho

First things is invest in a filter and an aquarium test kit for PH Ammonia Nitrate and Nitrite you can purchase this off ebay for around £20 put the filters in your aquarium and test the water . Your aim is to have your ammonia at the 0 mark .Test your tap water so you know what the readings are for that.When you do a water change wait for aroun 30 minutes to an hour before testing your water if you still see ammonia on your test kit . Do another water change . You neeed to reduce the ammonia in your tank so that your fish are healthy , There is a diffrence between surviving and thriving .

This is a common new fishkeeper mistake have a look through the Beginner's section there is loads of information to read to keep your aquarium & Fish in tip top shape ! It looks like a daunting experience but once ya get into the swing of things it becomes second nature

Hi Lindsey & welcome :)

Has mentioned,have a read in the beginners section for good info :nod:

Now you dont need to put the fish in the sink when you clean their tanks,leave them in the tanks,invest in a good gravel vac and clean buckets,which you must keep for the fish their tank a good clean will harm any bacteria in there,especially if you use tap water.
Waterchanges are simple,just use the gravel vac to remove debris from the bottom in a bucket,this will also remove the water,You will need a dechlorinator,add the correct amount into a bucket,refill the bucket with fresh water,try to temp match,then replace back into the tank.

Your fish dying could be a mixture of things,catching them and putting them in the sink can stress them,(they may also be affected by any cleaning products/soap etc thats been in the sink)you then add them to totally fresh water (did you acclimatise them to this?)which can shock them if you didn't... and not using dechlorinator can affect them,due to the chlorine in tap water etc.

What size are your tanks & how long have they been set up?
Do they all have filters? - Never wash a filter in tap water you will destroy all the good bacteria...

Invest in a good liquid test kit,you can then test your water in the tanks to see how they are doing.

Waterchanges are your friend,if the fish look lethargic before you get to testing the water,do a good 50% waterchange has mentioned above.

Good luck let us know how it goes :good:

I just seen you link on your tanks,unfortunately,they're are all too small for the size of fish you have in them,well except the betta...
Here is my tank what i got the other day :good:



and with fish in

and my betta fish Rocky

I have the heater temp set at 21c
Roofer no1 I didn't know keeping fish was going to be hard but my bf has had goldfish that lived over 10 years and i didn't realize keeping other fish would of been difficult.
Your fish will probably do a lot better in your new tank. You should really steer clear of sharks for now and just stick with the fish you've got for a while.
When you clean the tank you only need to change a small amount of water rather than the whole thing, and add the dechlorinator you've got. You could probably do with upping the heat of your water to around 26C. If the water goes cloudy it's not because you've over fed the fish, it's because there isn't enough bacteria in your filter to cope with the fish waste. As people have said above, you should change some of your water once a week and especially if it starts to look even a little bit cloudy. If you have a good LFS near by, they will do free water tests. Take a sample of water down and ask them to test it for you
Your fish will probably do a lot better in your new tank. You should really steer clear of sharks for now and just stick with the fish you've got for a while.
When you clean the tank you only need to change a small amount of water rather than the whole thing, and add the dechlorinator you've got. You could probably do with upping the heat of your water to around 26C. If the water goes cloudy it's not because you've over fed the fish, it's because there isn't enough bacteria in your filter to cope with the fish waste. As people have said above, you should change some of your water once a week and especially if it starts to look even a little bit cloudy. If you have a good LFS near by, they will do free water tests. Take a sample of water down and ask them to test it for you

Thankyou for the reply, Im waiting for testing strips from ebay to arrive, I will see if they test the water in the meantime where i got them from. I have noticed sometimes they swim at the top sometimes what does that mean or am i worrying?
your siamese fighter fish should swim to the top to take a gulp of air occasionally, but if the other fish are hovering at the top and gulping air aswell then you really need to do a water change
your siamese fighter fish should swim to the top to take a gulp of air occasionally, but if the other fish are hovering at the top and gulping air aswell then you really need to do a water change
Its just my other fish that do this mollys and platys, i done 10% water change yesterday

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