Please help lol


New Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Mansfield Uk

Right firstly let me say i know slightly more than nothing when it comes to keeping fish, all the info i will provide has been given to me by either;

a - a book
b - a shop!

Are we all sitting comfortably??

Right now thats out of the way i shall begin

I purchased a Juwel 180 tank in May this year, and followed the pet shops owners instructions re, add this leave for so long add this fish and that fish, water changes etc.

Im going back a few months but from what i can remember out Ph was extremely high for the first few weeks.

Again we did what the guy told us.

Now heres the bit where i really start struggling;

Over the months since we got the tank we have added, ( calling them what we were told they were)

5 Neon Tetras
5 Glo-Lite Tetras
5 Harlequins
1 Silver Shark
1 Plec
1 Albino Ruby Shark
1 Ruby Shark
1 Fighter Fish.

All these fish were purchased over a few months and the water was tested etc everytime.

The fish were not got from the same shop everytime but the shopkeeper was told what else we had in the tank.

Now we have got left;

4 Neon Tetras
3 Glo-Lite Tetras
3 Harlequins.


The Silver Shark - somehow ended up in the filter?!
The Plec - got attacked by the Ruby Shark and later died
The Abino Ruby Shark - Got Attacked by the Ruby Shark and later died within 24 hours of the plec
The ruby shark - Went back where it came from!!!!
The fighter fish - Became less active and died about 4 days later.
The rest of the fish - Errrrrr died

This post is getting very long but please bear with me.

The tank has been left with the 10 fish mentioned above for about 2 weeks, and all seems fine, if a little empty, what fish would you suggest i start to introduce to get my tank looking a bit fuller!

Thanks for you help... and patience

I'm not too sure how big the Juwel 180 is. Could you tell me how big it is?

Did you cycle the tank? If not, read the pinned topic 'Avoiding and Treating New Tank Syndrome' in the Beginners Forum.


The tank holds 180 litres. (40 uk Gallons)

As for cycling - just read the hoooooooooooge post lol and yes,

The water gets tested everytime the new fish are added. at the pet shop with their expensive gadgetry! rather than my cheaper "at home" kit.
And the readings are all ok?

If all the readings are stable, then i would recommend more harlequins and glowlights, and a school of about 5 cories. Add them slowly though! :)

Yeah the readings are ok.

So you think i should stick with the fish ive already got, just get a few more? How many should i be introducing and how often?

Or do you think i should try and introduce some bigger fish? also how many and how often?

Depends on your preference. Why don't you take a look at our fish index and see if there is anything that appeals to you :D

Well I can tell you what you should avoid, lol. :rolleyes: don't get a plec again unless it's one of the smaller species like a bristlenose. don't get a silver shark cos they;re huge, skittish and need shoals. siamese fighters tend to do better in a smaller tank.

In your position I would increase the school of the fish you already have to 6 each and add some kind of bottom feeder.

Also, how about a pearl gourami? they are very striking-looking fish, peaceful, and a bit bigger than the ones you currently have. :)
Thanks people, ill have a look around and see what fish take my fancy, and then you can tell me i cant put those in lol, however this weekend ill go and buy some more glowlights.

At the moment ive got 2 pieces of Bogwood and a fake plant, would having real plants in the tank help keep it all a little more "settled"

If so what sort cheers again

Maddsy - Just doubled his knowledge of fish
Also is the standard pump etc with my tank good enough?

I have a Jewel Rekord 70 (much smaller than yours unfortunately) in which the filter pump heater etc. is all built in. I have heard very good reports on this system and have found it to be great for me. Obviously its not the same as your but Jewel are a good make so if it is built in like mine I am sure it must be fine.
Maddsy said:
Thanks people, ill have a look around and see what fish take my fancy, and then you can tell me i cant put those in lol, however this weekend ill go and buy some more glowlights.

At the moment ive got 2 pieces of Bogwood and a fake plant, would having real plants in the tank help keep it all a little more "settled"

If so what sort cheers again

Maddsy - Just doubled his knowledge of fish
plants are beneficial in various ways, for example they use remove nitrates and add oxygen.

If you're wanting some low-maintenance, low-light plants, try:

java fern
java moss
cryptocoryone wndtii
cryptocoryne wilisii
hygrophila corymbosa
hygrophila polysperma
amazon swords
When you get your bottom feeders, stick with corrys... I have some pictus catfish and although awesome fish, when i went to get some more, the LFS told me that neon tetras would be fine in my tank.. WRONG!!! The pictus cats ate them. So, don't get anything with a bigger mouth then what's in your tank... :D

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