Please Help!! Internal bleeding in molly


New Member
Mar 22, 2005
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My molly looks like it is bleeding internally. It is near the tail. One of the male mollies was chasing it around so I isolated it in a breeding net. She was trying to hide in the plants and the male kept chasing her. I added some salt to the aquarium. I think it might have an internal sometimes has white stringy poo and sometimes red. It still eats like normal. Is there anything I should be doing to help her or is she doomed? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hi Jamie,
Adding a bit of salt to the water is excellent. Try increasing the water temperature by two degrees Celcius. If the dark spot is located on the hind belly under the top dorsal fin (not exactly on the tail) then it could be the 'gravid spot' which is where baby mollies are developing inside the mothers belly. In this case the dark spot is actually the eyes of the developing young, as mollies have live young. If your molly is still eating well then that is an excellent sign. Increasing the temperature will increase the fishes own defence systems and will help fight any internal infection if an infection is present. Hopefully your molly is just pregnent, and not ill. The fish manure may be coloured from bloodworms or coloured flake food, and if such is the case then hopefully there is no cause for alarm.

Good luck, I hope all is well.
Porthious the Gourami
if shes being harrassed constantly then make sure the ratio of males to female are 1 male for every 3 females. good luck with her
I think I know what a gravity spot looks female guppy has a pretty dark one. The female molly has a pretty bright red spot that looks like blood on her back side pretty high up on her back. The guppy's is pretty close to its abdomen and is lower on her then the molly's spot. I can't get anymore fish b/c my tank is full, should I just return the Male molly b/c the female I have heard are always pregnant anyways. I have a 1:2 male to female ratio. When they are all in the tank together he just picks on this sick one. And has been since she has been in the tank. I got another one later and doesn't do much to her unless I put the other one in a breedig net. I put the male molly in it now b/c he kept going after the one that wasn't sick. Is he just really horny or is he just being a jerk?

Please Help.

I'd say it's either parasites or septicemia.

is she doing anything else weird, like madly darting around, or swimming in a spiral?

Hopefully Wilder will be coming along soon - he's always got great info in cases like this. :)

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