Please Help Identify My Plec...had Him For A


lazy dayz
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota, USA
I know...I should know. Now I'm being more picky about knowing exactly what I'm buying. But I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me identify what kind of Plec I have. I'm guess common....just b/c I heard they are cheaper! LOL But I could very well be wrong!
I'm not to worried on how big he'll get. I just set up a 125 gallon tank that I can move him to later....if he can stand mbuna cichlids wrath and Ph in the long term! He's in a 29 gallon atm.


Looks like a common to me. Or I think it COULD be a hypostomus. I'm no expert though so don't quote me.
Agree its one of the 'commons', a side profile and a ventral shot would help decide which one.
a side profile and a ventral shot would help decide which one.

i will try. This guy stays on the back hiding behind a rock structure all the time! I had to chase him out just to get these pics!
I know...I should know. Now I'm being more picky about knowing exactly what I'm buying. But I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me identify what kind of Plec I have. I'm guess common....just b/c I heard they are cheaper! LOL But I could very well be wrong!
I'm not to worried on how big he'll get. I just set up a 125 gallon tank that I can move him to later....if he can stand mbuna cichlids wrath and Ph in the long term! He's in a 29 gallon atm.



could you say what size he is now, and how old and or how long you have had him? but having looked at the image with photoshop, i would lean towards one of the common plecos too.
He's about 7-8 inches long(17.8 cm to 20.3 cm). I would say I've had him for 3ish years. I'm trying to remember if I had him when we moved into this house! I don't think we did, but it's hard to remember.
Not a Hypostomus, has more than 8 dorsal rays.

Its P. pardalis or P. disjunctivus only a ventral shot will decide which.
I will try a ventral, but he only stays on the back side of the aquarium....unless it's night I imagine it'll be quite hard!

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