Please help ID these five mystery plants for me!

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
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Have some plants from cuttings I was given in trade for fish, but I don't know what they are and would like to research their care needs before moving plants/cuttings to new set up. Really appreciate any help, thanks :D

Plant 1: I think may be riccia fluitans? Almost moss like, but not quite, grows in dense mats on the surface and can become a thick floating mass. Just want to confirm the ID or be corrected!


Plant 2: Is it hygrophilia siamensis 53b? Had some of that before, this is a plant I've had for a long time and thought it was 53b, but might have mixed it up with something else, so want to be sure.

Plant 3: I have no idea, but I like it! Quite thin delicate stems and leaves, bunched together in this batch.

View from above the surface:

Plant 4: No idea what it is, has struggled in my tanks for a long time, but never quite gives up! Has put on that reddish new growth recently, so I'm not ready to give up on it yet either.

Plant 5: Maybe a ludwegia? Not sure though, and if it is, would love to know the variety so I can find the right spot to plant it:
And the view from the surface:
Now I’m awful with plants so please don’t really accept my answer but I believe :

1# is Java moss?
5# is ludwigia

Other than that, I don’t know sorry :(
1 is Riccia, be careful with it, it can take over! You can either leave it to float or tie it down using netting - some people a pair of tights to do it and it grows through. A bit like those grass head things you make at school.

2 is Siamensis 53B

3 I think is Hygrophila Costata but could be totally wrong

4 Might be a Rotala species the pink tips could be H'ra but I think Rotundifolia starts pink too?

5 I think is Ludwigia but not 100%

Now I’m awful with plants so please don’t really accept my answer but I believe :

1# is Java moss?
5# is ludwigia

Other than that, I don’t know sorry :(
No need to be sorry! I'm not exactly plant knowledgeable myself, so not judging :lol:
Definitely not Java moss though. That was one of my first plants, and still have some in one of my tanks. It's a much darker green, and you can see the individual strands of moss. This one is tiny individual leaf shapes, which clump together and form a mass. Kind of a messy plant, and if @Wills and I are correct that it's riccia fluitans, then it's a type of liverwort rather than a moss. Behaves a little differently and floats on the surface, although it can be tied/glued down like a moss. :)

1 is Riccia, be careful with it, it can take over! You can either leave it to float or tie it down using netting - some people a pair of tights to do it and it grows through. A bit like those grass head things you make at school.

Thank you so much for the help, again! :D Oh believe me, this riccia certainly did take over! I didn't want to keep it as a floating plant long term, but hadn't decided what to do with it yet, what wood/rock I wanted to try attaching it to. I have some wire meshs now, might attach it to one of those to try to contain/cultivate it for now before deciding whether to use it and where. But when it's loose and floating, it definitely gathered mass quickly! Can choke out the surface and block the light. Think it outcompeted the frogbit I had in that tank at the time too. I ended up pulling handfuls and putting it in a mesh bag to try to contain it for a while, where it died back a lot.
2 is Siamensis 53B
Great! I didn't mix it up then, thank you
3 I think is Hygrophila Costata but could be totally wrong

Hmm. Sorry, I don't think this one is right, having looked at the images on google. I'll tease out a couple of stands from the bunch to get clearer pictures of each stem, but the leave shape/bushing type that hygrophilia costata shows isn't like this, which is more long thin stems with individual thin leaves, more grass like.
4 Might be a Rotala species the pink tips could be H'ra but I think Rotundifolia starts pink too?
My brain kept saying rotala too! I'll go back through my previous plant orders and see what other rotalas I may have ordered in the past. I remember trying rotala bonsai, which looked wonderful for a while but kept being uprooted by my baby cories and failed in the end. Was a risk in a low tech tank anyway. But this one I think you're right, it's a rotala, but not bonsai. Maybe rotunifolia :)
5 I think is Ludwigia but not 100%
I and @AmyKieran also thought ludwegia, so that's pretty solid! Thanks so much guys. Will check my previous plant buys for any ludwegias too, hopefully pin down the variety that way.

More mysteries coming! Well, have three buces and some crypts where I don't know the varieties, and a weird amazon sword type plant where I'm not sure on varieties. Will take pics and make a new thread for those, if it's okay to make multiple threads for plant ID's, @Wills ? Feel like they're more likely to be seen rather than asking for new id's in the same thread.
No need to be sorry! I'm not exactly plant knowledgeable myself, so not judging :lol:
Definitely not Java moss though. That was one of my first plants, and still have some in one of my tanks. It's a much darker green, and you can see the individual strands of moss. This one is tiny individual leaf shapes, which clump together and form a mass. Kind of a messy plant, and if @Wills and I are correct that it's riccia fluitans, then it's a type of liverwort rather than a moss. Behaves a little differently and floats on the surface, although it can be tied/glued down like a moss. :)

Thank you so much for the help, again! :D Oh believe me, this riccia certainly did take over! I didn't want to keep it as a floating plant long term, but hadn't decided what to do with it yet, what wood/rock I wanted to try attaching it to. I have some wire meshs now, might attach it to one of those to try to contain/cultivate it for now before deciding whether to use it and where. But when it's loose and floating, it definitely gathered mass quickly! Can choke out the surface and block the light. Think it outcompeted the frogbit I had in that tank at the time too. I ended up pulling handfuls and putting it in a mesh bag to try to contain it for a while, where it died back a lot.

Great! I didn't mix it up then, thank you

Hmm. Sorry, I don't think this one is right, having looked at the images on google. I'll tease out a couple of stands from the bunch to get clearer pictures of each stem, but the leave shape/bushing type that hygrophilia costata shows isn't like this, which is more long thin stems with individual thin leaves, more grass like.

My brain kept saying rotala too! I'll go back through my previous plant orders and see what other rotalas I may have ordered in the past. I remember trying rotala bonsai, which looked wonderful for a while but kept being uprooted by my baby cories and failed in the end. Was a risk in a low tech tank anyway. But this one I think you're right, it's a rotala, but not bonsai. Maybe rotunifolia :)

I and @AmyKieran also thought ludwegia, so that's pretty solid! Thanks so much guys. Will check my previous plant buys for any ludwegias too, hopefully pin down the variety that way.

More mysteries coming! Well, have three buces and some crypts where I don't know the varieties, and a weird amazon sword type plant where I'm not sure on varieties. Will take pics and make a new thread for those, if it's okay to make multiple threads for plant ID's, @Wills ? Feel like they're more likely to be seen rather than asking for new id's in the same thread.

I’m hopeless at plants lol but I try my best ! :)
I kind of know plants, so don't think everything i say is correct in the slightest.
1. Looks like riccia fluitans
2. Definitely hygrophilia, maybe dwarf but it doesn't really look like it.
3. Maybe stargrass?
4. Probably some sort of rotala.
5. No clue.

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