Please Help, how do I clear water


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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I have a 75 gallon which I am in the process of changing from Fresh to salt. I have no expereince in saltwater tanks, though I have done a considerable amout of research. I am planning on a FOWLR set-up, and possibly corals down the road. I bought 100lbs of crushed aragonite sand and rinsed it last Thursday, put it in the tank, and added water, using a barrier not to stir up the sand too much. TOday it was finally celared out and water looked good, but there was a thin film of dust on top of the substrate. I tried to gently siphon it out, but the whole tank now looks like a dust bowl. Is there a better way to clean out the dust? Could I run a couple of powerheads with quickfilters on them? I am wondering? Thanks for any advice.
Just run your filter and powerheads to get that dust suspended in the water column. Use a poly filterpad in the filter to help polish the water and remove the dust. You will find that as your tank matures and the sand gets sifted, the smaller particles will sink to the bottom, kind of like a bag of potato chips.

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