please help fish in need of rescue


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Lincoln UK
now then people bit of help please have kept pufferfish before brackish and fresh but have come accross a dragon puffer (so i am told) which needs rehoming subject to cramped conditions and one bad owner.

right i no it must be kept by himself and is nasty, wonder if anyone could help with any other information please as have looked else where to no avail wonder if i have been told the right name it looks likes the red eyed puffer a bit but like i say not a proper expert on puffers

many thanks guys before you even reply :p
i've never heard the common name dragon puffer. do you have a picture perhaps? then we can be sure what kind it is and help you take care of it
sorry no picture yet as have not got him he looks like a red eyed puffer to me through he is about 3" long and most be 3 1/2 years old sorry if i sound a bit vague its just am not brilliant on puffers

hope this is of some use
Ive never heard of a dragon puffer either but it is a common thing for fish shops to give fish new names to make them more appealing. Im no expert on puffers but if it is a red eyed puffer Carinotetraodon lortedi then it is a FW fish and must be kept alone, care is the same as any other aggressive species of puffer.
many thanks to you all for your help will wait and see if anyone else helps out tonight

like cfc said prob renamed

will go and see if i can give it a good home tomorrow subject to anymore replys that are given, as i have a nice tank he could have all to himself

cheers :p
thanks for you help guys have just found out what he is for sure he is a humpback puffer

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