I have 2 molly's 1 black and 1 dalmatian. Only the black 1 has what looks like white fluff on her body and eyes. The other fish doesn't have anything at all. I am currently treating her for white spot (Ich) but i'm wondering if she might have a fungal infection. I am currently using King British WS3 at the moment and I wondered if I can use anti-fungal and fin rot no8 by Interpet at the same time or not. I am doing water changes every 2 days along with the WS3 treatment and the heater has been cranked up to 83 degrees f. Water parameters are fine. Please help.
To clarify I want to know what my fish has and if I can use both treatments at the same time.
To clarify I want to know what my fish has and if I can use both treatments at the same time.