Please Help! Betta Losing Fins


New Member
Mar 14, 2012
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i am a first time fish owner and i got my wonderful betta Winston Douglas in November. Of course being an inexperienced fish owner, i went out and bought a fish bowl. I conditioned the water and did regular weekly water changes and Winston was doing great. His fins were nice and full and nothing seemed to be wrong with him. Well i then learned that i should be keeping him in a bigger tank, so i immediately went and bought a 5 gallon tank with a filter and all the good stuff. I conditioned the new water and tank and then added him once it was ready. Once i put him in the bigger tank, i noticed that he was really inactive and hid a lot. Since then i've tested the water conditions weekly and done 25% and full water changes and everything has been exactly where its supposed to. But now his fins are rapidly deteriorating. I've tried using Maracyn and Maracyn2 as well as BettaFix and MelaFix. Nothing seems to be working and his fins just keep getting worse. Today i went and bought some Erythromycin for him because i just don't know what else to do. He seems to be fine, he lays on his betta hammock and always comes to the front of the tank when he sees me, and he has a hearty appetite. I'm out of ideas. Everytime i look at him or think of his poor fins, it makes me want to cry. Please help. There are some pictures below to show.

This was the day i got him. His fins were full and beautiful.
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What Winston looks like now. Sorry if its small. His tail is split into three sections.

I know i sound desperate, but i kind of am. I never thought id get so attached to a fish and now i'm afraid i've ruined him.
i'm not sure if i did correctly. The lady at the pet store (never trusting them again) told me to condition the water then wait 24 hours before putting him in the new tank. So thats what i did. is the tank not being cycled correctly what could be causing the problem?
i'm not sure if i did correctly. The lady at the pet store (never trusting them again) told me to condition the water then wait 24 hours before putting him in the new tank. So thats what i did. is the tank not being cycled correctly what could be causing the problem?

Do you have a kit for testing the water? It could be ammonia problems. Do a 30% water change and get an aerator to get oxygen in the water. I'm not sure if the fins will completely heal, but they'll stop deteriorating.

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