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May 3, 2006
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My betta fish just lies at the bottom of the fish bowl. it comes up for air sometimes, but hurries back to the bottom to rest again. is that normal?

background info: I was given this betta fish out of the blue. I had no background on how to raise one at all. long story short, I was handed this betta fish about 3 days ago. kept him in a goldfish bowl. with regular sink water. I fed him some goldfish food (which i found out that they do not eat, since bettas are carnivors). I got a general idea of how to take care of them after doing a research on them over the internet. I'm sorry if this was a stupid question. I am worried about the fish, and I do not have too much time on my hands either, since it is final exam week.

oh, another thing, i changed his water today. i just used regular sink water. i know, its bad. but the water in there was getting way too cloudy.
Regular tap water is not safe for bettas. You need either aged water (water that has been sitting out for 24 hours or more) or you should get a water conditioner. You can find these at walmart in the fish department. Also, the temp of the water is important too... It should be 74+ (preferrably 76+)
My betta fish just lies at the bottom of the fish bowl. it comes up for air sometimes, but hurries back to the bottom to rest again. is that normal?

background info: I was given this betta fish out of the blue. I had no background on how to raise one at all. long story short, I was handed this betta fish about 3 days ago. kept him in a goldfish bowl. with regular sink water. I fed him some goldfish food (which i found out that they do not eat, since bettas are carnivors). I got a general idea of how to take care of them after doing a research on them over the internet. I'm sorry if this was a stupid question. I am worried about the fish, and I do not have too much time on my hands either, since it is final exam week.

oh, another thing, i changed his water today. i just used regular sink water. i know, its bad. but the water in there was getting way too cloudy.

This might be lame question. . . do you treat the water??
Newbetta owner
If you havent got tap conditioner for fish. Fill up jugs or bowls that havent had soap etc in with ordinary tap water leave uncovered for 24 hours. They will then be safe for fish. Please dont just use tap water years ago I couldnt understand why my kids fish kept dying now I know. Water might be too cold, have you not got a warm spot in your room? Also keep a lid on bowl anything will do even a book. It will keep in any warmth and stop him jumping out. Dont worry about food they dont always eat when you first get them. Goldfish food in an emergency is ok, but will cloud water if he dont eat it. Give him tiniest bit and try to make sure he sees you putting it in. He might just need TLC. :good:

Good Luck
If you havent got tap conditioner for fish. Fill up jugs or bowls that havent had soap etc in with ordinary tap water leave uncovered for 24 hours. They will then be safe for fish. Please dont just use tap water years ago I couldnt understand why my kids fish kept dying now I know. Water might be too cold, have you not got a warm spot in your room? Also keep a lid on bowl anything will do even a book. It will keep in any warmth and stop him jumping out. Dont worry about food they dont always eat when you first get them. Goldfish food in an emergency is ok, but will cloud water if he dont eat it. Give him tiniest bit and try to make sure he sees you putting it in. He might just need TLC. :good:

Good Luck

Liz. . .I was asking newbeta if he/she treated the water, as for me. . . well i treat the water all the time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i will treat the water. also, about covering the bowl to keep it heated a little bit, will it be able to breath? will it be ok if i kept a book on top of the fish bowl?
What is the size of tank and how often do you change the water.

Do you see anything on his body that's not normal??

My sugestion is this:
Water changes daily & a pinch of aquarium salt. . . .
Diet - feed him betta pellets and not flakes like 4-6 pellets a day 3 in the morning & 3 at night.

Since he's a new fishie he might take some time warming up but it could also mean he's got something. . .
If you have a desk lamp you can put over the bowl that too will help keep him warm but then he'll have to deal with temp fluxes when you turn it off at night. Are you going to be able to get him a new bowl/tank with a heater? I've found that my small Eclipse tanks (3 gallon) because they have a top that seals and a light don't need to have a heater and they hold their heat well without an added heater. (You can get them cheapest by going online at, printing the page and taking it to the store for price match.)

You may also, while he's adjusting and getting stronger, want to lower his water level or put a nice big plant in his bowl so that he doesn't have to work so hard to surface for air.

When you get betta food you may want to feed him just one pellet at a time so that you can see if he'll eat. If he doesn't eat the pellets will just sink, rot, and dirty the water.
Well, from what you've told us, he doesn't actually sound sick to me.

Before putting him on a heat lamp and lowering his water, and restricting his diet, could you favor us with more details?

1) How big is the container he is in?
2) How warm is the room he is in, and does the temperature fluctate greatly? (As in +/- 8F)
3) Is there anything else in the bowl with him, as far as decor?

I'd advise you to switch to some type of pellet food, for him, and at least alternate it with your flakes. Flakes have a strong tendancy to puff up inside a fish's stomach, thereby overfeeding him. This causes him to swell up and can lead to swimbladder disorder.

Bettas are pretty strong little fish, so long as you care for them. :) The essentials of caring for a betta are pretty minimal.... temperature, water chemistry, and food. Meet the standards for those 3 things, and he'll be fine.

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