Please Give Me Advice On What To Do


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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Hi I know this is slightly off topic but I really really need some advice on what to do!

I went to my lfs today and in the store they have 2 giant gouramis', one in a tank no bigger than 30ltrs and the other one in a tank about 60ltrs. These are really big fish and the one in the smaller tank couldnt even turn round never mind swim! And the water it was in was so cloudy you couldnt even see the back of the tank! They have been in these tanks now for at least a month because my gran said they were there last time she went, to be honest im surprised they are still alive!

Now I would be grateful for any advice because seeing these fish being kept like this has really disturbed I ring the RSPCA???? I just dont know what to do!

you have three options, best to try all of them tbh

1 - local council..... the pet shop has to apply for a pet shop licence, to hold this they have to meet certain criteria one of which is keeping animals in suitable disease free conditions. if you feel they aren't doing this then make a complaint, the council is obliged to investigate and if they aren't happy will take away the licence and report the matter to the police.

2 - rspca... they have the right to investigate any reports of animal cruelty, so ring them up and tell them about it

3 - police.... obviously animal cruelty is against the law, if you feel any law has been broken it is your right to ring the police and they must investigate.

i would suggest the council is the first port of call along with the rspca though.

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