please dont let it be Ich...

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May 31, 2004
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Michigan, USA
A while ago i noticed a little bump on my platy's head that kept moving around from one side of its head to the other. It looked like some sort of parasite.

Now that bump has disappeared. If it's Ich then it means it is reproducing fast.

Not sure what it is tho... It was a yellowish bump on the head that moved around its head. One minute it wud be on the top. The next minute it would be on the side....

If anybody knows what this is please help me. Please tell me what to do about it b4 it spreads... Thanks.
I can't help you, hopeflly someone else will be able to. I just didn't want to be one of those people who reads the message then goes away so you end up with 300 views and no replies. Sorry!
Could be argulus it is a parasite that looks like a dull colored bump that moves around or it could have been flesh worm which is a parasitic worm. It would be odd though that either would disappear all of a sudden with no action from you or no changes in the aquarium environment. HTH :)
its not ich.i would agree with a parasite too. quite odd you think it could be a leech or something like that?

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