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Fish Addict
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Livestock: 1 Red Spotted Severum
Quantity for sale: 1 approx 4"
Sales price: £10

Livestock: 1 Green Severum
Quantity for sale: 1 approx 2"
Sales price: £3

Livestock: 1 Koi Angelfish
Quantity for sale: 1 approx 6-7"
Sales price: £3

Livestock: 1 Chocolate Cichlid
Quantity for sale: 1 approx 3"
Sales price: £3

Postage & Packaging: n/a
Hi Max
Free bump for you
I have had fish off Max in the past and they have all been in great condition so Great guy with great fish, would have them myself but no room
Hey, If you change your mind about posting I would be interested in the chocolate cichlid
Is it definitely a H.Coryphaenoides and not a H.temporalis as these seem to be fairly rare in the trade?

Good luck selling btw,
Cheers Davo.

Erm, now i'm not sure if it is a Coryphaenoides. Went in yesterday and the lfs had changed the labels round on the last few they had left.

They originally had Tempolaris and Chocolate Cichlid in two different tanks. I asked if the chocolate cichlids were therefore coryphaenoides, I was told that they were. Go in a few weeks later and they've swapped the labels over!! So, can't say for sure which one it is!!!
Cheers Davo.

Erm, now i'm not sure if it is a Coryphaenoides. Went in yesterday and the lfs had changed the labels round on the last few they had left.

They originally had Tempolaris and Chocolate Cichlid in two different tanks. I asked if the chocolate cichlids were therefore coryphaenoides, I was told that they were. Go in a few weeks later and they've swapped the labels over!! So, can't say for sure which one it is!!!

Good Old 'MA IVER' eh MAx ;-)
Max max max you actually believed the labels in maidenh**d aquatics you know they are put on to mislead and confuse lol
Anyways m8 could you put a pic on and someone will identify.
Wot r u selling next
Oh and by the way bought a male to go with the 2 female Tbars from you and they have bred already, had to take 1 female out for a while as they were fighting over the male (typical females)
Free bump as well
Haha cheers for that lads...yeah, MA Iver starting to let standards slip again :unsure:

'What am I selling next?' - Lmao, i'm slowing down buying so hopefully no more selling!!!! Nice to hear about the saj's Des, I thought I had two males, but 2 females even better, the male can take turns lol

Will post a pic and hopefully someone can clear it up
Any better pic's of the Green Sev and the Chocolate Cichlid?
my chocolate is Hypselecara temporalis

yours however looks mildly different,

"The two species of Hypselecara, as presently defined, are easily differentiated. The overall appearance of H. temporalis is almost "square" due to its steep profile, while H. coryphaenoides is more elongate with a gradually elevated profile. There are also color differences between the species. The form of H. temporalis common in the hobby is a green and red-wine fish with a darker lateral blotch centered below the lateral line; H. coryphaenoides is dark-brown to black with a blotch centered above the lateral line and extending into the base of the soft dorsal fin. Unfortunately, two factors complicate identification efforts. First, markings in H. temporalis tend to be quite variable depending on geographical origin; second, H. coryphaenoides is subject to great changes in color and pattern depending upon "mood." As a helpful guideline, wild H. temporalis are usually collected in Peru, while H. coryphaenoides is most often taken in Brazil."
Cheers lads, I'll try to post better pics sometime tonight hopefully.

Thanks for helping on the ID Nelly. As I was saying there were two tanks labelled chocolates, one had 'green' fish and the other 'brown'. I have a feeling mine is a coryphaenoide as it also does change colour, but these two characteristics are the only ones i'm sure off from the quoted description below. I'll try to get a couple more pics for further investigation, thanks again.
BUMP, no futher pics yet, but will try to add some this eve...see my other ad about Geophagus Red Head Tapajo's

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