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Fish Addict
Aug 11, 2003
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Livestock: 13 Clown Loaches
Quantity for sale: 13 3-7" (at least 3 at 7")
Reason for Sale: Changing Stocking
Delivery or Collection: Collection only please
Sales price: £99 or near offers.
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Langley, Berkshire
Photograph: coming soon

Thanks, Max.
Thanks for your interest mate, but selling all as a group. had a re-count and there is 13 of them. Will have pics on the weekend. I've now set a price, please see edited post above.
Wish I had a tank big enough. Just to help sell, for a group of 13 you really need a tank around 6' long so by selling smaller groups you might stand more chance of selling the lot. Good luck
Price = £120 ono for all 13.

I see what you're saying Weimster, but i'm not in a rush to sell these guys. So will keep it as is for now. Cheers.
I will swop them for a tank full of platys :rolleyes: and throw in a gourami for free
Sends ad to the top of the page
And the T bars are trying to breed again

Cmon people Ive had fish from Max before and they were in great condition so no worries there and how many times do you see a shoal of this size up for sale if I had the room I would buy them
Livestock: 13 Clown Loaches
Quantity for sale: 13 3-7" (at least 3 at 7")
Reason for Sale: Changing Stocking
Delivery or Collection: Collection only please
Sales price: £99 or near offers.
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Langley, Berkshire
Photograph: coming soon

Thanks, Max.

are these still for sale? please email reply

Livestock: 13 Clown Loaches
Quantity for sale: 13 3-7" (at least 3 at 7")
Reason for Sale: Changing Stocking
Delivery or Collection: Collection only please
Sales price: £99 or near offers.
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Langley, Berkshire
Photograph: coming soon

Thanks, Max.
Sorry mate, these are unavailaible for now, had a change of heart, will update ad

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