Please Delete This Thread...

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I think you're the one with the attitude.
There is nothing wrong with my ability to read, I was actually just pointing out that he should keep an eye on them.
I've had experience with DPs and know how quickly they can turn on one another.
If you've only joined the forum to have a go at people then don't bother posting at all!
Hey, whats the story with the TITLE of this thread, its a good thread, raises lots of interesting and important issues (both with communication and fish keeping info)

Who has invented the title? Its a silly title (in my opinion) to a good thread

I have seen peeps panic before about trying to delete threads, leave it be, always interesting to go back to this stuff, you only need to delete indivudual POSTS if they get out of hand, not the entire thread LOL
Daz is going over the top, making it seem like he knows everything about these fish, exactly how to keep them perfectly and in every case of each individual fish.

Its not overstocking to some, each people have different preferances. Some things are obviously wrong (goldfish in a bowl) some aren't. In this case, its not very overstocked, if its working for him great, and he's got the extra setups for emergencies. Also, the response was great. Sorry, you along with daz, do not know it all.

I dont think im going over the top at all and ive never stated i know it all. Just going by what me and many hundreds of people and possibly thousands of people have said and recommended over the years.

AFYI people that seem to agree with me talk sense. Im guessing a few of the posters who says its fine dont know about DPs and there behaviour and water quality needs and the fact DPs are very messy fish.

As ive said and someone else has said there is no point in saying the tank is great it gives people the wrong impression if they come here, read this thread and then go out any buy some DPs and the whole thing goes belly up. All i and other members that helped Fate with his questions gave him the best answers due to the wealth of information that is available on the internet, books and from our own experiences and like i said me and other members never have said we know it all....
I dont think im going over the top at all and ive never stated i know it all. Just going by what me and many hundreds of people and possibly thousands of people have said and recommended over the years.

AFYI people that seem to agree with me talk sense. Im guessing a few of the posters who says its fine dont know about DPs and there behaviour and water quality needs and the fact DPs are very messy fish.

I've been doing the puffer thing for 4 years solid and I can tell you that if the proper maintenance is done, the tank will very likely be fine. It's not just DP's but all puffers that are messy eaters, but if one learns to feed properly and cleans the tank regularly then nothing will go wrong. And the DP's being agressive thing is WAY overrated; he's only got 2 in there now and they really don't infight at all in my oppinion. Regurgitating the same tired information that is spread around this forum doesn't pass for really knowing anything in my oppinion. So I want to ask Daz CPFC How many DP's he or she has raised and for how long.

Everyone being critical on here seems to be the "My way or the Highway" type; just because he asked for advice and then didn't follow your own personal advice means nothing about their "fishkeeping skills" anyway, You may think that the OP is an idiot but may I add my vote to the tally of people who think you are all making yourselves look even more so by carrying on the way you are. Have you no lives? Nothing better to do than get angry because someone you don't know and who doesn't know you and who lives who knows where didn't follow your opinions on fishkeeping to the tee? If so then you're taking yourself and this forum just a little too seriously and that's sad.

How do you know that the OP didn't just post a random pic that he scrounged from the net on here and tell you that he's got 3 DP's and 3 otos in there? Maybe you fell for a troll? I'm just trying to say that I find this type of fighting to be quite childish and pathetic and I won't be convinced otherwise, so don't bother trying.

Now I'm going to spend some time doing some real arguing with real live people :lol:

Hey, I'm in before this gets locked!

I haven't read the whole thing, but I caught this nice little part:

IMO this forum has turned into a forum of bad mouthing and telling people they did the wrong thing instead of what it should be... HELPFUL... again thanks to all who enjoyed my tank and left a complement

First, I think people were trying to be helpful by telling you three puffers in that tank is too many. If you asked for advice and didn't take it, then you shouldn't expect people praise you.

Also, are we only allowed to leave a comment if we "enjoyed" the tank or leave a compliment?

So to the original poster and anyone defending him, you're the reason this forum may not be quite as friendly as you had hoped. If you ask for advice and don't get what you want to hear, just try to realize you might be wrong and there are more experienced people out there that know what's best for your fish.
Flumpus, stop pointing the finger at me/us. He asked for advice and didn't take it. There are people out there who will think both ways. Your way is NOT always best, if he doesn't want to hear about it, then kindly STFU and don't speak on it. It seems hard for some people to mind their own business. Please, go troll elsewhere.
all right guys and girls lets just calm down serious.he knows hes overstocked,he knows what will happen and it did,he knows he will need something bigger for them ASAP.
you all stated your opinions but its starting to get alittle more and more hostil as it goes along.lets just end this debate.
lets just stop namecallin and all this stuff.lets just stop,and move on k.

fate -u didnt listen,u had problems,Daz- i think he may have realized that we say is whats best for the fish

lets just look,OH look,daz has a new tank.its his first with real plants!it looks pretty good in my opinion!better than my first try!what does everyone else think about dazs' NEW TANK?!!!
Flumpus, stop pointing the finger at me/us. He asked for advice and didn't take it. There are people out there who will think both ways. Your way is NOT always best, if he doesn't want to hear about it, then kindly STFU and don't speak on it. It seems hard for some people to mind their own business. Please, go troll elsewhere.

Whoa whoa whoa... First of all, I'm not trolling. I'm just pointing out that people do not take kindly to someone less experienced than them asking for advice, then not taking it because it's not what they want to hear. I never gave this guy any advice, and I'm not claiming my way is best, but there are people out there with a ton of experience, and their way probably is the best. And if he doesn't want to hear about it, he shouldn't go against the advice of almost everyone who's kept dwarf puffers.

Finally, I don't even know who you are, I didn't read any of your posts, so I'm not pointing any finger, and certainly not any of my fingers, at you. If you think I am, maybe it's your own conscience telling you that someone is gonna end up with some torn up dwarf puffers :)
cool tank!
i like the plants
heres mho

i personally agree with..... a little of both side.
first, overstocking is not normally suggested. however, there are no solid rules to fish keeping. just opinions. people can experiment and if something works... GREAT!.... but other times it doesnt. but thats how we learn, through experience. without experimenting with fish stocking etc. we couldnt be were we are today in the hobby. do u think that early fishkeepers "instantly" knew how to keep fish healthy??? no, they experimented.

second, i think that everyone is entitled to their opinion. thats the cool thing. everyone has and can have a say in things. but some may not agree with what u are saying. thats just life. advice isnt always good in ones opinion but great advice in anothers. thats just the way that the human brain works. respect others opinions, but you dont always have to agree, and disagreeing (i butchered that word :p ) doesnt give you permission to attack someone, physically, mentally, or with words.

finally, i think that as long as you have spare tanks ready, you should be alright,
i advise u to cycle them first though (HAHA advise. how relavent) and that to just keep an eye out for them!

Beatiful tank, i really like it.

Flumpus, your going to trust someone you've met over the internet with specific care for your fish? How do you know they know so much about DP's? I can go on any forum and claim I'm an expert at something, and I've done it a lot. Does it make me correct? No, the only way to know for sure is to try for yourself.
Flumpus, your going to trust someone you've met over the internet with specific care for your fish? How do you know they know so much about DP's? I can go on any forum and claim I'm an expert at something, and I've done it a lot. Does it make me correct? No, the only way to know for sure is to try for yourself.

If the OP had posted some sort of fish personal ad, and one person had responded with some crazy ideas, then it would make sense to proceed with caution, and maybe ignore what he had to say completely. But this is a forum, with a lot of people, and a lot of agreement on how to best keep fish, specifically dwarf puffers. There are numerous threads and pinned topics on dwarf puffers, so it'd be easy to confirm any advice that was given.
The bottom line is the persons tank isn't big enough for the fish they are keeping..

All this back and forth jibba jabba is pointless..

If you're going to post pictures of your tank, you've got to expect responses from all ends of the spectrum.. you cant just expect people to ignore the fact that your tank isn't an ideal setup for your fish, and tell you how great your tank looks.
lets just look,OH look,daz has a new tank.its his first with real plants!it looks pretty good in my opinion!better than my first try!what does everyone else think about dazs' NEW TANK?!!!

Had a few real planted tanks for a while now probably a year plus. My puffer tank is my forth planted tank and both of my other tanks are planted. Glad you like them :)

Either way im finished with this thread now its going no where but around in circles which was never my intention. :good:
Yes it looks very nice. Well. For a vase :p (and I say that tongue in cheek as a big tank owner).

But if you are overstocked and if you know and appreciate that and if you have the extra tanks ready.....why aren't you using them? I just dont see why you'd want to overstock unless in emergency or absolutely necessary? Is there an actual reason for it? Does it just look better to you or something? I just dont understand where you're coming from - why bother overstocking and risking their health (which it sounds is already suffering) when you could put them in decent sets ups and keep them happy and healthy longer?

Personally, and again tongue in cheek, I cant see how anyone could fit one fish in there, being nae more than a jam jar...I'd keep it planted, get a bigger tank for the fish, and stick a couple of shrimp in it perhaps? Or do even they need bigger tanks than this? :crazy:

BTW t1tanrush, if anyone's being aggro and offensive - it's you bossing folks about and telling them to "STFU". There's kids on here y'know for a start. Secondly, at least the others were explaining their comments and not forcing them on anyone - whereas you've done nothing but bash and boss. Chill out, if everyone else has to play nice - dont be a hypocrite ;)
I cant believe this thread is still open ive seen em closed for a lot less :unsure:
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