Playsand Or More Expensive Aquarium Sand?


New Member
May 23, 2006
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Im thinking of changing my gravel to sand and was wondering whether you could use non toxic playsand also will it clump together. i dont plan to have any live plants plated in it so am not bothered about nutrition properties in it. would it be worth spending a bit more and buying aquarium sand which i know is coarser and less likely to clump. :)
You might want to consider pool filter sand. I'm still looking it up myself, but apparently it is inexpensive, neither too fine nor too coarse and inert. Anyone with experience using pool filter sand, opinions please?

yeah u can use it, make sure you wash it out first as the tank will be alot cloudier and longer if u dont. im trying it next week!
i use argos kids playsand it has a brilliant colour doesnt clump and i find it much better than aquarium sand but its all down to personal taste.
when u have sand in ur tank when u vac it doesnt the sand go in the vac?

or u hover over it

but then u cant get under the sand as good

i went wit nice size ROCKS
i use argos kids playsand it has a brilliant colour doesnt clump and i find it much better than aquarium sand but its all down to personal taste.

i used the same stuff.

made the mistake of not washing some of it tho so i had loads of silt clouding up my tank.

ive used it on another tank since and washed it properly and the tank was clear in about 20 seconds.
Thanks for the prompt answers everyone I think i am going to bite the bullet and get myself down to argos tommorow, i might even mix the sand with some of the gravel, is this a good idea or will the gravel in time end up on top of the sand.
when i swapped my 55G to a malawi tank and put sand in i didnt quite get all the pebbles out and now there in there mixed with sand i think it looks a bit messy.

guess its personal preference tho.
Thanks everyone. im down to argos first thing in the morning. :good:
whats the size of your tank and how dep do you plan the sand to be

its 60x20x24, i only plan to have about an inch and half- two inchs, i wont be planting anything in it i have my java fern, java moss and anubias growing on bog wood.

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