Playing with the PH


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
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Ontario, Canada
I have seen this come up several times on various threads. EVERY lfs or lps in my area has said that when I want to add tetras etc to my tank I will need to lower the ph. (It is 7.2). I have ignored them because of what I have read here. However a new place I found actually made sense to me. The guy said that the fish will do ok in the higher ph, but will thrive in the lower ph. And instead of adding chemicals he said to put peat in my filter or a piece of driftwood in. We didn't discuss specifics because I am weeks away from adding fish.
So wouldn't I want the fish to thrive? He also said they would develop their best colour in the lower ph, ie the lemon tetra would be washed out in the higher ph, but have better color and health at a lower ph.
Thoughts please?
Perhaps it depends on what other fish you are keeping. Wood will lower the ph a bit but I definaltey wouldn't go adding chemicals because it will never end.

Perhaps adding some wood will get it down to a manageable level. What do you want it to be?

I have tetra in my biggest tank which has a ph of 7.2-7.6 and they are fine and colourful. Maybe it also depends on the tyoe of tetra?

7.2 isnt high anyway, but the way i see it its like this,

1) if u bought an expensive RO unit and were able to add soft water to the tank at PH 6.5 then yes i iamagine your fish would thrive.

2) is u just dechlorinated ur tapwater u will be fine, ur fish would be happy although might not thrive as much as at a slightly lower ph and softer water but still would be fine.

3) in my experience adding chemicals isnt the way because this is what really messes up the fish, no matter what u try the ph will flutuate and will be far more harmfull than just using tapwater, and cost u a small fortune,

what the ph at the lfs anyway, here the water is hard and the cardinals still look great, it would be different if they were wild caught (i always check with the cardinals) but if there tank breed they will be happy, not absolute thrive, but happy :)
CS: I don't know what I want my pH to be, just want the fish to be ok. Since it is just a 10 gal, it will have a few tetra and corries, along with a betta. So I will look into it a bit more, but unless I can be convinced that the pH will remain stable, I won't get in to putting peat in to change things. It is good to know you have tetras with a pH of 7.2 - 7.6. Mine tends to be 7.1 - 7.2 so that isn't bad then.

M: I will find out what the lfs uses, I'll bet they don't mess with the pH for the store fish, if all the tanks are hooked up together to get water from the same place. That is a very good point.

Thanks both of you.
I tend to buy my fishies from my lfs where the tap water is the same as mine. If they can thrive there, then they can thrive in my tank. If you do lower your ph, then you have to keep it stable and not let it fluctuate. Also, when you buy fish, try to put them into the same ph that they came from - it will be less stressful for them. Fish will get used to any ph as long as it's stable and doesn't change from water change to water change - it's the changes that stress them much more than the actual ph.
:fish: Unless you're keeping fish like discus it's really not cost effective to alter the ph. :)
Your fish will have been bought locally and will be used to the local water parameters from the tap as I doubt very much if your lfs bothers with the hassle of changing the water parameters too much for fish that will be gone within a week or two. :D
It is extremely difficult to keep the ph stable if you start messing about with chemicals as the ph will alter naturally over time in your tank as it matures. :D
If you are that worried about the fish thriving then try to buy fish which are more suited to your local water. Your local library will have books on the subject :D
If it helps, DogFish, I keep very healthy and colorful neons and lemon tetras in water with pH 7.8-8.0.

Personally, I think the only time I would consider fooling with my water's pH is if I was explicitly trying to breed fish.
Bol said:
If it helps, DogFish, I keep very healthy and colorful neons and lemon tetras in water with pH 7.8-8.0.

Personally, I think the only time I would consider fooling with my water's pH is if I was explicitly trying to breed fish.
Thanks Bol, I will have to be strong when I buy my fish and not let them guilt me into playing with the pH. It is good to hear that you and others have healthy fish in a pH higher than mine. Can't wait until the tank is ready!!

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