Playing Dead?


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
California, U.S.A
I recently did a full scrub down on my tank but i unfortunately i didnt start at the greatest time and had to let all 6 of the albino cories share a 1 gallon bowl with 2 guppies overnight and a couple hours up to 3:45pm (15:45)
so anyways i re-setup the tank and put in all the fish and the filter isn't working now and they are all in tap water with FW aquarium salt.
so anyways we were watching the tank when my mom said "oh no. that cory is dead."
and i looked and it was fully on its side.
so after 5 minutes we decided to just net it up and dispose of it when all of a sudden when the net touched it, it swam away all quick.
the thing that surprised me is that when i looked at the gills they weren't moving :blink:
now all 6 of them are just laying on the gravel stationary and the one laying on its side yet alive :huh:
has this ever happened to you?
I had that with my pygmies but it wasnt good for myself personally as they all started dying (not saying this is going to happen to you!). Just keep a real good eye on them. Perhaps the still one was in shock?
I wouldn't use aquarium salt with Cories,it can do more harm than good,if you still have salt in the tank,i would remove it by w/c asap

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