Play Sand


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2004
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I was just curiouse if it was just a personal thing or what but is it neccesary to screen the pebbels out of play sand to make it a finer sand i didnt take mine out cause i like the way it looks but could it be damaging to my aquarium or hazardous to my fish ?
you have pebbles in playsand? my playsand is just sand.
are you sure it is playsand and not something else?

anyway I don't think you would have a problem with pebble in your tank.
You don't have to take it out. If the little rocks have sharp edges though, I'd suggest removing them, especially if you have bottom feeders like Corys or Loaches. Their little barbels don't like the sharp little rocks. That being said, I did not sift those out of my sand before putting it in my tank. They eventually work their way to the top of the sand and I sort of sift 'em out with a net when I get a chance.

My two cents :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
I guess I get the same sand you get. Here and there it has a few little stones. It looks like little limestone rocks so I just sifted them out with a screen and wheelbarrow and through them in my creek...

But, in my 30 gallon I left them in and all my readings are the same...
If they are limestone, you'd be better off removing them. Drop some vinegar on them, if it reacts at all, remove them, if not, and you like them, and they are smooth - fine.

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