

Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland
I am still surfing the web to decide what fish to put in my 40 Gallon Tank.

I was thinking of the following: 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Neon Tetras, 2 Male Guppies, 1 Betta (Although I'm not sure after orevious post).

I was also thinking of 1 or 2 Platys and maybe 1 or 2 Dwarf Cichlids. How do all these fish interact?? Am I compiling a cemetary or an aquarium!!
i wouldnt do the betta with the guppies, and the neons need to be put in after 10 weeks or so because theyre so weak. you should do 3 platties, 1m and 2f. i dont know if the cichlids would take up to much space, but if you were to do cichlids, id do rams, but theyre very weak fish as well.
You may have trouble with the betta and the guppies together but then again you may not. It depends on the attitude of the betta. The cichlids are territorial so you may have an aggression problem there. Everthing else is good though. I would suggest getting something for the top and bottom of the tank to go with those other fish. I know the betta will basically look after the top if you go that way. if not how about dwarf gouramis. fro the bottomif you want activity i would suggest the cories would be great for that community of fish. Good Luck and remember to get fish for each level of the tank. :)
all fish have individuals that are fin nippers or have other behaviour based problems. I am sure everyone here can tell you a story about any kind of fish you could list and someone else would have an experience that was totally the opposite. All you can do is try and if you run in to problems then take the fish causing the grief back to the LFS and get another. Dwarf Gouramis and bettas do not get along in the same tank as a general rule.
Cories are little dudes who hang out at the bottom of the tank. They usually eat the stuff that floats to the bottom and occasionally you throw in a sinking wafer. They're cool, peaceful little guys who like the dark so give them lots of shade! I have two Julii Cories and they're doing great! However I would research them a bit before buying :D . They're full name is Corydora or Corydoras.

About the platies, they're cool little fish too. Very peaceful and hardy. I would get two of them so that they can play together lol :lol: .
Galaxy said:
I had been told that gouramis are quite aggressive and prone to fin nipping bettas or guppies. Has anyone found this to be true?
They are many different kinds of gouramis and some are semi-aggressive, not sure if there are any that are labeled aggressive. However, dwraf gouramis are a peaceful community tank fish. I have three and they get along wonderfully with all of their tankmates. Neat fish as well.
well i just bought a 37g tank, i am planning on putting in it:-

2 plattys (hopefully breed..wait they cant NOT breed hehe)
2 mollies (hopefully breed..wait they cant NOT breed hehe)

there already in there from my 10 gallon, now i want to add

2 showls of 5 fish probable
5 neon tetras
5 red tip tetras? saw yesterday but cant remember name, think same as neons but different colours!

and then im going to finish it will 2 cat fish(the small ones, you know, the white ones that look stupid with red eyes :p )

and atleast 1 algae eater to keep it clean!
so in total about 15 ish fish, although thats leaving space for the fish to breed as i want my mollies and plattys to! also my guppys might go in there from the 10g once they have had there babies

HTH dude!!! and have fun with your new tank!!!

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