

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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i;m having a problem with my platys- at the moment they are not living in harmony and im concerned for 1 female.

This is what i have now-
-1 pregnant orange platy (v aggressive)
- 1 pregnant blue moon platy (Getting stressed)
- 1 female blue tuxedo
-one male blue moon platy
-lots of fry from orange platy

the orange is my original and i remember when i got her she had an agressive streak when she's pregnant. particualy bad a week or so before birth which is now. I'm not sure how agressive the average platy is but she is terrible- really ramming and chasing. Ive been trying to get the ratio right, so i introduced a male and female (blue moons) i thought this might calm my orange platy abit as the male in my imagination would persue both. but he really isnt interested in my orange platy and just persued the other blue moon. so added another female, the blue tuxedo (now im beginning to think perhaps i should have added another blue moon) because he really doent bother with her either. and im getting increasingly worried about my blue moon who is pregnant and showing sighns of stess (clamping fins). and the poor thing doesnt just get it from the male but from the really aggressive orange platy. is my orange platys behviour normal? i mean i know they get agressive before birth but she seems really bad- really ramming. and is even trying to stop the others from eating. could that be it? perhaps im not feeding her enough? i do feed them loads more when theyre preganant but i dont want to over feed my other fish- like the neons. i also feed them blood worm a few times a week.

so any way- imwondering what to do. do platys prefer breeding with ones the same colour- could that be why he's not interested in the blue tuxedo and only the blue moon? so perhaps i could try getting another blue moon female- the ppl at teh lfs said it wouldnt make a difference... but theyve told me rubbish before... so who knows!! the only decent answers i ever seem to get r from you guys!!

im thinking possibly separating orange platy- putting her in my hospital tank- could even keep it cycled maybe!! or will this be really bad for her? should i wait til she's had her latest lot of fry so she doesnt abort? and also i dont really have the room to have the hospital tank running constantly... but i will if i have to!!

what are ppls opinions?? many thanks! deary me- such ignorance i have!! lol!!
The only answer i can give is from my own experience.

I have;

one red female wag tail platy
one female rainbow platy
one orange male sunset platy

The rainbow platy is larger than the other two and she is occassionally aggressive towards the other two. Sometimes she will swim with them sometimes she will ignore them or charge.

The other two are mates and always have been, they are usualy always together and the male is always interested lol. However, ive not seen them mate and the female hasnt had fry. The only time ive had fry is when i first bought her, a week later i spotted 3 of the fry swimming around. The fry were red wag tails like the mother, and as she was in a tank with other wag tails im assuming she mated with them at the fish shop and then dropped in my tank.

Make your own mind up but from my experience ive not had fry frm three different types of platy only platy of the same type
cool- thanx for that. hmm, it seems the most likely explanation seems to be they are more likely to mate with theyre own types. right.. some more thinkin i decide what to do!!
update: i have been watching and decided i think the best thing would be to separate the harrassed bluemoon micky- allow her to have her fry in peace away from the two causing her woe. do ppl agree?

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