Platys pregnant

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Jul 16, 2024
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Hello, new here.

I have a pregnant Platy whos Gravis has tripled in size. As per photo, how long until she gives birth would you estimate? I don't want to miss the birth and not be anle to save the fry which I intend to take to my local aquarium.



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When I start keeping an eye out is when she gets sort of square shaped , I look at the bottom of her and if it looks more flat then rounded ill start watching for the fry. I’ve had 2 live bearers this month birth fry but they usually don’t last long , I’ll usually wake up in the morning and see maybe 1 or 2 but we aren’t trying to hard to grow them atm.
She could drop them any day in the next 2 weeks, probably next few days.

Have lots of plants in the tank for the babies to hide in.
Feed the adult fish more often so they are full and less likely to eat the babies.
Do more frequent water changes and gravel cleans when feeding more often.
Hello, new here.

I have a pregnant Platy whos Gravis has tripled in size. As per photo, how long until she gives birth would you estimate? I don't want to miss the birth and not be anle to save the fry which I intend to take to my local aquarium.

Hi! If your pregnant Platy's gravid spot has significantly enlarged, she might be ready to give birth soon. Typically, Platies give birth within a week after the gravid spot becomes very prominent. Keep a close eye on her and look for signs of labor, such as hiding more often or frequent small contractions. Ensure you have a separate breeding tank or net ready for the fry to ensure their safety and facilitate their transfer to your local aquarium.
Hello, new here.

I have a pregnant Platy whos Gravis has tripled in size. As per photo, how long until she gives birth would you estimate? I don't want to miss the birth and not be anle to save the fry which I intend to take to my local aquarium.

Hello. Start changing out more water and make the new, treated tap water a little warmer than what's already in the tank. I'd also dose a little standard aquarium salt to the new water. About a handful or two if you're changing the water in a larger tank. This will calm the fish and ease the "Fry Dropping" process. Also, start feeding a little more and more often. Well fed, adult fish aren't as interested in the fry as lunch.

It will be hard to tell the exact moment of birth... Only a rough estimation can be given.

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