
ray john

New Member
Feb 28, 2005
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swindon wilts
hope someone can help us platy very ill not sure what to do he lost loads of weight
and he is bent & he just lies at the bottom of tank only moves when it feed time . just put him in a small tank by him self . all the other fish in big tank same ok including 3 fry, water ok . so what is wrong with him hope some one can tell us?

did try to put this in emergency but it would not let me start a new topic
I'm thinking maybe Fish Tuberculosis..... :/

But it's hard to tell for sure, unfortunatly.
I had a molly to do the same thing and I took it to the vet and she told me that a parasite causes this. I just couldnt figure out how a parasite could cause ones back to bend. So I took her advice and went and got some parasite medicine. It was made by Jungle products and sure enough the fish got better in four days. I also gave it salt dips too. I kept the water very clean and the fish started to gain its weight back and it straightened up too. I hope this helps some. Good luck with it too..

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