

New Member
Aug 18, 2003
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As some of you already know, One of my platys had fry unexpectedly about 2 weeks ago.
Is it possible for her to still be pregnant?
She is a bit on the chubby side and she has a small black dot seen through her skin near her tail. I am thinking maybe that is just an internal mark and not a fry but I just wanted to get any thoughts on this so I can be prepared this time if infact she is pregnant.

Thanks in advance
I don't breed platties, but I think that mollies are able to store sperm for up to three months... Correct me if I'm wrong? I'm pretty sure it's probably the same with all livebearing fish. She could probably be pregnant again.
yes all livebearers can store sperm for up to 6 months, that means that they can get pregnant 6 times from mating once with a male. the batches of fry will get smaller every time if she is storing sperm.

but she is probably pregnant but not form the smae batch i think somtimes babies are alike 3 days early them the rest come later on ..... but not tow weeks late!! or early... :) :thumbs:

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