

New Member
Nov 2, 2008
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I got my 2 platy's 1male 1female about 4 months ago but the male just died about 3 days ago for some reoson and now my female is preganat ive put here in a breeding net
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I would take her out of the trap, she doesn't look very pregnant if at all. Her gills look a bit red, have you tested your water lately? If you don't have a kit, you should get one or have your local fish store test the water for you. I would do a 30-40% water change just in case. Has she given birth before? If so, how long ago?
I would take her out of the trap, she doesn't look very pregnant if at all. Her gills look a bit red, have you tested your water lately? If you don't have a kit, you should get one or have your local fish store test the water for you. I would do a 30-40% water change just in case. Has she given birth before? If so, how long ago?
no she has never giver birth before, I dont think so, not when shes been in my tank anyway, the water seems to be perfectly fine
I started off with about five platys, a few months later they were at it like rabbits and I had millions of the buggers!

But then I got white spot and it wiped out all but one of them :(
I started off with about five platys, a few months later they were at it like rabbits and I had millions of the buggers!

But then I got white spot and it wiped out all but one of them :(
did they look like mine when pregnant
If yours is pregnant, she has at least another three weeks before she has any fry, so take her out of the breeding trap. It's very stressful for her being in there and she may absorb the fry out of stress.
The fish looks very young, and not very far on at all, i would not say a week pregnant.
Ive had torpical fish since i was a kid on and off but just got back into it the last few months

I already have a baby but i dont know if its a guppy or platy

I do know the platys get very fat like they are going to pop lol. i have lots of plants aint done the breeding trap thing yet as I dont really want another tank set up as i have 2 and a turtle tank

I do have a small spare tank so if I get over run with babies I could move some in there and give them away

I brought some guppies the other day thinknig i was getting ten i ended up with 30 and some babies lol
the drop in her belly could be from food, i don't think she is pregnant and if so lots of time still to go.

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