Platy With Ick Just Had Babies


New Member
Jul 15, 2008
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I've been treating a tank of platy with ick for the past 2 days. I just started to change the water to put in another dose, when I noticed babies in the rocks. They are currently in a bucket. Do I treat them the same as the adult platy? Do I put them in the tank with the adults and let the medicine cure all of them? Can they handle the dose of medicine? I have 10 of them right now. I am using Jungle Ick cure in a 20 Gallon tank.

the babies dont have ick correct? they shouldnt get it as ick effects the skin. i would take the babies out and treat the platy with ick
The problem is, I was at work all day today and yesterday. I am not sure when they actually were born, so they might have been infected. They are too small to see much.
im just saying i dont think ick is something baby fish can be born with. they dont have ick. a burn victims child isnt going to come out looking burnt. therefor i dont see a reason to treat them. i try to avoid using any type of chemical on my fish if i dont have to.
Makes sense, but wouldn't the parasites (ick) attach themselves to the fry as they just float in the water?

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